have you ever heard of this rule to follow to sleep well?

Do you know the bed of death? According to Feng Shui art, the bed should never be randomly positioned in the bedroom. At the risk of having bad nights. We will explain everything to you.

Feng Shui, which means “the wind and the water”, is an ancient art of Chinese origin which aims to harmonize the energy of a place. Those who practice it would benefit from better health and a certain well-being. A good night’s sleep is essential to our health, so the layout of the bedroom is very important. And the bed is considered the most important element of the bedroom since it is the place where we rest. According to the art of Feng Shui, it should not be positioned randomly.

But above all, the bed should never be in line with a door. According to Health Pressif the bed is in the same alignment as the bedroom door, we then speak of “death bed”. The term may seem excessive but in Chinese culture, the dead are carried through the door feet first. So, this would be a very bad omen and would cause poor circulation of energy in the room. As a result, nights are disturbed and this could even create a feeling of instability and discomfort. With the added bonus mood disorders And a lack of productivity.

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Feng Shui method: how to position your bed in the bedroom?

So, how should you place your bed? Feng Shui art recommends placing your bed in the area “commanding officer” from the room. Concretely, we must be able to see the bedroom door from the bed, without being in its direct axis. Furthermore, the bed must be placed against a solid wall, and especially not under a window or beam. It should also not be close to the bathroom or kitchen.

Furthermore, for energy to circulate properly in the room, it is recommended to ensure that it is tidy. The precept of Feng Shui recommends using natural materials for your furniture as well as rounded shapes. The ideal would therefore be to have a wooden bed. By following this method, you should fall asleep faster and experience more restful sleep.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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