he comes out of his silence after the controversy

Norman Thavaud, Yououtubeur and comedian, has been at the center of a controversy since Saturday, December 26, 2020. A racist and sexist sketch, from his one man show "The show of maturity", caused an uproar. The 33-year-old recently reacted.

by Melanie Bonvard

“The next James Bond character, Agent 007, will be played by a nasty woman. Aren't we going too far in the fight against racism? My name is Bond. Fatoumata Bond. No, it's not at all. " The words of Norman Thavaud, extract from his one man show "The show of maturity" available on Prime Video have not gone unnoticed. We told you about it on Sunday, December 27, 2020. This sequence, deeply racist and sexist, caused an uproar on social networks. The singer Yseult had denounced the words of Norman Thavaud and the Instagram account Let's decolonize He also didn’t mince words about this skit.

Norman Thavaud comes out of his silence

This Monday, December 28, 2020, Norman Thavaud spoke in stories on Instagram after the controversy. The YouTuber apologizes, but, above all, tries to defend himself by evoking "an awkwardness" : “I wanted to pick up on a joke from my show that clearly went wrong. It shocked some people and that wasn't the point at all, so I sincerely apologize. I never wanted to. making fun of the first name Fatoumata. I was talking about the American film studios which sometimes, to give themselves a clear conscience, pretend they are anti-racism in the face, that's it. But it was badly done, it was awkward. It was not a good one. idea, I shouldn't have done it, I'm really sorry. " Indeed, if Norman Thavaud tried to denounce the Hollywood cinema system, his words fall apart and reveal, rather, a text filled with racist and sexist clichés which we would have done well in 2020.

"It is pure intellectual dishonesty", according to Norman Thavaud

This excerpt from Norman Thavaud's show actually shows how difficult it is for a white person to talk about racism. Instagram account Let's decolonize revealed in a post on the subject: "As he says himself, it is perilous for a white person to talk about racism; especially if he is dealing with a subject that he ultimately does not understand, while conveying stereotypes that are imbued with it."

Coming out of his silence after the bad buzz, Norman Thavaud also tried to defend himself by qualifying the criticisms of certain Internet users as "pure intellectual dishonesty" and inviting them to watch his entire show: “That being said, you can't boast a show as a skit. And when I see in the comments 'your show is a racist show,' the people who say that just haven't watched my show. pure intellectual dishonesty. In it I talk about white privilege, I talk about white guilt, I talk about my rebeus friends who spend their time getting checked out, the fact that I can't even go clubbing with them, wage inequalities, the xenophobia that the press and the media bring up just to sell papers. "