He is admitted to the hospital for a flu and comes out without his legs

Levi Dewey was hospitalized in early December with severe flu but had both legs amputated a few weeks later.

It’s a difficult story but with a happier ending than it could have been what the whole family of Levi Dewey can tell. This 20-year-old British boy caught, like many, the flu at the beginning of December and whose the symptoms were so violent that he found himself hospitalized at the Royal Derby hospital. Already in respiratory failure, Levi Dewey’s condition rapidly deteriorated to the point of causing sepsis in him and gradually affecting all his organs. Faced with the seriousness of his infection, the doctors gave 30% chance of survival to the young man before transferring him to another facility in Leicester to receive another treatment: extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, or ECMO.

Levi spent a total of 20 days with this particular treatment, including 14 days he had been put in a coma because of his condition. As his mother tells us on the kitty page that was set up for the young man, Levi’s condition improved enough that after 31 days in ECMO, the doctors could remove his ventilator. artificial. Only two days after being transferred back to the Royal Derby hospital, the patient and his family were visited by doctors with news that would change Levi’s life: due to his severe sepsis, both of his legs had to be amputated below the knee.

Almost 100,000 euros raised

On January 24, the young man who turned 21 on January 26, two days after his amputation, therefore lost both his legs. Despite the pain and death he came close to, Levi is grateful he didn’t have to have an above-knee amputation and keep your head up as his mother explained in a post on the kitty page. It was revealed to his family that Levi suffered from a pneumococcus and influenza B, a particularly violent combo that almost killed the young man. The story fortunately ends better than it began since many people have mobilized to help the Dewey family to pay the hospital costs. Levi’s mother has also expressed her gratitude on several occasions, both to those close to her and to anonymous donors thanks to whom she has collected more than 93,000 euros.

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