“He is she”, a TV movie to better understand and respect trans youth


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“Il est Elle”, available on TF1 in replay, features the young Emma (Andréa Furet) in her transition journey. A TV movie that will allow cisgender people to better understand transidentity.

He is she, broadcast Monday, November 1, 2021 and available in replay on MyTF1, tells in two episodes the daily life of Emma, ​​a transgender teenager, confronted with the incomprehension of part of her entourage, including her parents (Odile Vuillemin and Jonathan Zaccaï). To embody the heroine, we find Andréa Furet, herself trans. A wise choice: beyond the talent of the actress, whom the woman interviewed in the video at the beginning of the article, it is essential to allow trans actors to bring these stories to the screen, rather than castering cisgender people. Example in the series Louis, broadcast in 2017: as recalled Stubborn, the title role was then held by a non-transgender actress …

That time seems over. While filmingHe is she, by Clément Michel, Andréa Furet was even able to give details, remove certain problematic expressions and bring more accuracy to this fiction which resonates with her life. So of course, we do not avoid some clumsiness (we regret that the scenario insists on Emma’s suffering, as if it were intrinsic to her transidentity and not the result of the transphobia of our society). But the result remains a gripping and touching TV movie, recommended for cisgender people who want to educate themselves and treat trans people with respect.

Specialized in identity issues and pop culture, Coline claims a committed approach to journalism. Its objectives: to offer subjects that tell the story of our time and amplify the voice …

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