“He was eaten”, this completely crazy theory about the affair

The disappearance of Émile intrigues France. According to a crazy theory, the child was eaten. Overwhelmed investigators turned to one person to solve the mystery after the discovery of the little boy’s body.

Emile, a two-year-old boy, disappeared on July 8, 2023 in Haut-Vernet, in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. Despite the efforts of intense research, no trace of him was found for months. Then, on March 30, 2024, a walker discovered a skull during a hike. Analyzes confirmed that it was Emile’s, plunging those close to him into despair. Excavations have resumed in the area, leading to the discovery of more bones and the child’s personal effects.

This affair took a strange turn when Geneviève Delpechwidow of the singer Michel Delpech and medium, revealed a shocking theory. According to her, Émile would have been eaten. She explained in the columns of Release that investigators sometimes call on his skills when they find themselves facing an impasse. This revelation provoked strong reactions and aroused public curiosity.

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This strange hypothesis about Emile’s death

Geneviève Delpech described his collaboration with investigators. She said: “A bit like these patients for whom traditional medicine has remained powerless and who, as a last resort, turn to alternative medicine, the police sometimes call on people like me, mediums, to help them where all their logic, all their pragmatic skills have failed”. His testimony aroused interest, because it is rare for the police to call on psychics to solve cases.

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The involvement of mediums in criminal investigations is a controversial subject. Police officers sometimes consult psychics when they run out of leads. The theory of Geneviève Delpechalthough shocking, shows how the Émile affair is complex. Investigators and the family are desperate to understand what happened, and they are exploring every possible avenue.

The little boy from Haut-Vernet eaten?

The theory of Geneviève Delpechaccording to which Émile would have been eaten, is surprising and controversial. However, it reflects the desperation of investigators and the family. The disappearance of Émile is a tragic affair which moved France. Authorities continue to investigate, exploring all possibilities.

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The case Emile is an example of the riddle what a disappearance of a child can represent. The idea that the Boy was eaten is shocking, but it illustrates the extent of the uncertainty surrounding this matter. Émile’s loved ones are looking for answers, and investigators are leaving no leads unturned.

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