Health authorities alerted to the danger of Puffbar disposable vapes, popular with teenagers


Info Libé

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These disposable cigarettes are a hit with young people under 13. Highly dosed in nicotine, these devices sold on the Internet and in tobacconists would be the subject of a report to the General Directorate of Health by vaping professionals.

The packaging looks like a lollipop. Red fruits, frozen lychee, marshmallow or even frozen mango, there are dozens of tastes. Lucky charms for some, collectibles for others, before becoming the new fad of playgrounds, the “Puffbar” is above all the result of a skilful marketing operation. Flashy colors, a futuristic design and an attractive price at first sight: no more than 9 euros to afford at least 600 puffs or “puff” – in English – of this disposable electronic cigarette. For the past few weeks, we have seen it flourish behind the counters of tobacconists. The copies of Puffbar extend over several shelves as there are so many flavors available. Prohibited to minors, it is therefore not in tobacconists that these new disposable vapes are sold massively to young people. To make their stock, young teenagers scan social networks and websites, paying little attention to the age of the customer, to find the pearl. Reminiscent of snus and nicopouches, powdered tobacco popular with young people.

Where does this fashion come from? From the United States, where the electronic cigarette is particularly attacked, with in particular the prohibition of many flavors in certain States and counties. To get between the lines, the American market…


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