Health insurance: work stoppages due to Covid are increasing in France

The increase in Covid-19 contamination in recent weeks is not for nothing. Between November 1 and mid-December, the number of derogatory work stoppages issued by Health Insurance to people needing to self-isolate increased by more than 7, from 5,763 to 42,541, specifies BFM TV. Extended at the beginning of November, these “Covid” work stoppages are intended for symptomatic employees, positive for Covid-19 or contact cases, awaiting a test and who cannot telework.

Their increase in recent weeks illustrates the wave of contamination that began in November. While it was at that time a majority of Delta variant infections, it is now the new Omicron strain that has gradually spread in France.

More than 91,000 cases in 24 hours

In the past 24 hours, a record has been broken with 91,608 new cases registered. Over the past seven days, the average has stood at 61,274 cases. To remember the previous record, we must go back to early November 2020, the peak of the second epidemic wave where there were 86,852 cases.

The Scientific Council has estimated that the figure is expected to quickly exceed 100,000 new cases daily with the spread of the Omicron variant. He said he feared a “disorganization of society” at the beginning of January. Indeed, this situation could lead to a significant wave of absenteeism in companies. Which is probably already the case.

“For the past month, we have seen a fairly strong increase in absences linked to cases of Covid, temporary absences linked to contact cases, as well as absences linked to the fact that classes are closed, for example. Depending on the region, this differs, but it is relatively high, “said on BFMTV Benoît Serre, vice-president of the National Association of HRDs.

>> Read also – Covid-19: companies facing cascading work stoppages

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