Heide Keller: Moving funeral service in Bonn

Heath cellar
Moving memorial service in Bonn

Heide Keller was 81 years old.

© imago / Sven Simon

Heide Keller was buried in a heart-shaped urn in the Muffendorf district of Bonn. “Traumschiff” colleagues were also there.

The “dream ship” legend Heide Keller has found her final resting place in the cemetery in the Bonn district of Muffendorf. As reported by the “General-Anzeiger”, old colleagues from the ZDF series were among the mourners to pay their last respects to the actress who died on August 27 at the age of 81.

Among other things, the actor Horst Naumann, who was the ship’s doctor Dr. Schröder spent years at Keller’s side as head hostess Beatrice on the “dream ship” sailed the oceans. Her friend and make-up artist Ida Arndt even gave a little speech, according to the Bonner Regionalblatt report.

37 years part of the “Traumschiff” crew

During her time with the “Traumschiff” she lived in the most beautiful hotels in the world, but her “five-star world” was her apartment in Muffendorf. The role of Beatrice was the role of her life, Arndt continues. After the funeral service, Keller was buried in a heart-shaped urn.

Keller was seen in around 80 films in the ZDF series and also played her star role 27 times in the offshoot “Kreuzfahrt ins Glück”. Born in Düsseldorf, her last appearance was in the episode “Los Angeles”, which was broadcast on January 1, 2018. She lived in a senior citizens’ home in Bonn for the last part of her life. According to her own statements, she had been suffering “from a rare type of leukemia” for around ten years, as she told “Bunte” magazine in an interview before her death.


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