Helene Fischer: Star clears up rumors about another accident

Helene Fischer
Star clears up rumors of another accident

Upon the recent news of her alleged health condition, had to Helene Fischer smile.

© imago/Future Image

With her elaborate stage shows, Schlagerqueen Helene Fischer (39) always takes a certain risk. On their current “Rausch” tour, which recently started again after a half-time break, this became clear in several respects: First, a rib fracture sustained during rehearsals slowed the start of the tour, then a concert had to be ended prematurely after an accident on the trapeze.

Many Fischer fans must have been all the more concerned when a German newspaper reported that the singer had had another accident. But there was now the all-clear from someone who should definitely know better – Helene Fischer herself. During her most recent of several Cologne concerts, she took the wind out of the sails of these rumors and revealed to the audience that she “had a lot of fun”. when she found out about it.

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The reason for the rumors is therefore a tape that Fischer is currently wearing on his right wrist. In recordings, which a fan did during the Wednesday concert (August 30), the singer takes a position on this: “It has now been written that I had another accident on the trapeze. Of course that’s not the case. Because it’s only one small abrasion and I just don’t want it to tear any further. That’s all.” The said wound also has nothing to do with her tour, but – quite unspectacularly – happened in the household.

Also in the realm of fables, Fischer refers to the message in the clip that she had to have something injected “against the pain I have” before her performances. Her humorous announcement in this regard: “Dear ones, the only thing I inject are endorphins!”

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The fact that there have already been worrying incidents this year is a fact. Even before the start of the “Rausch” tour, which should have been in mid-March this year, she sustained a rib fracture during rehearsals. After “urgent medical advice”, the start of the tour was then postponed by about three weeks to April.

The next shock came in mid-June: During an acrobatics number on the trapeze at the concert in Hanover, the star injured himself, and Fischer blood ran down his face from a laceration between his eyes. Videos made during the performance showed the singer hitting the trapeze with full force. Bleeding, she finished her performance, but then the show had to be stopped. “The wound was too deep to continue”, explained Fischer the next day.


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