Here are the 3 sore names that were given the most in 2022

The French were seduced by sore names in 2022, but especially for little girls… Are you one of them?

INSEE recently revealed which first names were most given by the French during the year 2022. There is a national but also regional ranking and it differs slightly… The year 2022 has been marked by short first names as it has been for a few years and the ranking hardly changes. Like what the new emerging trends are not really followed by parents. For example, the great return of vintage first names, rather long, is not felt in the national top.

But the sore first names have continued to appeal to young parents. The Official First Names 2023 at Éditions First explains how we recognize sore first names: “with their Parisian titi side, artist and poet, a bit old-fashioned and BCBG”. There are not only original first names among this selection and there are first names that are among those that have been given the most by parents in 2022. More precisely 3 first names, all feminine: Romy, Rose and Louise.

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Bobo names that seduce the parents of little girls

Bobo and feminine first names are therefore popular with young parents. Little Romy, Rose and Louise were numerous in 2022 and are also likely to be in 2023. These 3 first names are indeed part of the top 20 trends for this year. Unsurprisingly, these are short names, modern or vintage but above all adorable.

Rose is a name that comes from the Latin rosa. As explained in the Official First Names 2023: “In ancient times, the rose was the flower of Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love and beauty.” This name is in the top 50 of those who are the most given! For Romy, it is the diminutive of Rose-Marie: “It combines two origins, Latin with Rose and Hebrew with Mary “the one who raises.” Romy is therefore etymologically very close to the first name Rose and is also part of the top 50! For Louise her origin is Germanic and means “Illustrious in combat”, it’s an old name that is also part of the top 50… All three are qualified as sore names and are likely to continue to please for many years!

Parenting writer

Zoé is on a work-study program, she joined the aufeminin team in September 2022, she writes for the parenting section. Committed and curious, Zoé likes to write to advance…

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