here are the 5 most popular candidates on the networks, an advantage?


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The Miss France 2022 contest will take place on December 11, 2021 in Caen. Some candidates already have many fans on Instagram. Which are the most followed? And will this have an impact on the election?

The 29 candidates for the throne of Miss France 2022 are currently preparing at the place of the ceremony, so that everything is ready on the evening of the election, Saturday December 11, 2021. The regional Miss had a busy schedule since before going in Caen, they were on a preparatory trip to Reunion. The opportunity for them to get to know each other better. “We have a group where the girls are very caring, so it’s fine, the morale is there”, said Sarah Conan, Miss Brittany, in a story on her Instagram account. The young women were also able to pass the famous general culture test and it was Youssra Askry, Miss Normandy, who obtained the best mark. Then, the Miss were able to pose alone or in groups for their photoshoot in swimsuits.

Some candidates shared a little too much of the details of the trip with their community on Instagram, hence the decision that they were all deprived of a phone during part of the stay. Some Miss have also been called to order regarding the retouching of the photos they post on the social network. It must be said that several candidates take great care of their Instagram, where they amass many fans.

Are the most followed Miss more likely to be elected?

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The Miss who are the most popular on Instagram, their favorite network? Cécile Wolfromn, Miss Alsace, is well in the lead, with her 87,100 followers. Then comes Léna Massinger, Miss Champagne-Ardenne, who can congratulate herself on her 49,700 fans. Then we find Eva Navarro, Miss Provence, and her 39,400 followers, Charlotte Faure, Miss Rhône-Alpes, who tops out at 33,800 followers, and finally Donatella Meden, Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais, who has 33,400.

Read also : You too, take the Miss France 2022 general culture test

Do these Miss have a better chance of winning the election thanks to their community? Not for Sylvie Tellier, patron of the committee. “It’s the election of Miss France, not of Miss Instagram”, she said during a press presentation on November 17, 2021. “Instagram offers visibility, but the people who vote don’t necessarily have Instagram. Amandine Petit (Miss France 2021), did not have many followers on Instagram and yet she won the title.” On the other hand, other factors come into play: the mark in the general culture test, the attitude, the performance on the evening of the bonus, the speeches… See you on December 11 to find out who will be Miss France 2022.

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