Here are the 8 greatest sacrifices that parents can make for the happiness of their children

Parents know well that having children is not easy. And to raise happy children, here are 8 sacrifices that parents can make. And it’s not just sleep… We tell you everything.

When a couple decides to welcome a child in one’s life, this means accepting that everyday life will be completely turned upside down. No more sleeping in, days doing nothing and being carefree. Children are the responsibility of their parents and to take good care of them, this requires doing sacrifices. And the way of educating children is not to be taken lightly since it will determine many things in their lives later.

These sacrifices are certainly difficult, but they are made by love and it’s worth it. There is nothing more beautiful for parents than seeing their children happy, growing and thriving every day. And children who are grateful for their parents’ hard work may eventually be expected to care for them later, when they are elderly. Here is 8 sacrifices amazing things that parents do to make their children happy.

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1. An organized schedule

If you are someone who likes to have a square schedule, drawn up well in advance and you don’t like the unexpected, you can say goodbye to your reliable schedules with children. Once you become a parent, everything becomes a probability. And for good reason, there is no guarantee that you will be able to go to your workplace.

Children are unpredictable, they can get sick or upset at any time. You may be in the middle of a meeting and receive a call from the school asking you to come check on your sick child. With children, you have to be ready for anything.

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2. His private life

In the early years, being a parent also means having to say goodbye to moments for you. Lounging for long minutes in your bathtub? Quietly getting into bed with your partner? Activities that are now just a distant memory.

Children do not understand the concept of personal space and privacy. They can easily bombard you with endless questions while you’re trying to work or barge into your room in the middle of the night claiming there’s a monster under their bed.

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3. His sleep quota

The idea of ​​no longer being able to sleep peacefully is one of the reasons why so many people are terrified of becoming parents. However, this lack of sleep only lasts for the first year or two after the birth of a child. Indeed, young children do not have the same sleep cycles as adults.

As a result, they may sleep all day and start crying by the time you finally go to bed. To avoid having too much of an impact on their quality of life, some parents take turns at night. But for single parents, it’s a different story. Sacrificing sleep to get up and work the next day is one of the most amazing things parents do while raising their children.

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4. Time

Being a parent also means constantly feeling like you’re running out of time. There are so many things to do in a day that parents quickly become overwhelmed. Between dropping off their children at school, going to work, taking care of meals, homework, bathing and putting the children to bed, parents don’t have a minute to themselves.

As a result, a 24-hour day seems to only last 12. This is why we often hear parents say that their children are growing up too quickly. What if it was actually a poor perception of time passing linked to overwork?

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5. His personal desires

It’s well known that children are expensive! It is therefore difficult for some parents to allow themselves small personal pleasures. Future parents often start saving even before the arrival of a child.

And since children are completely dependent on their parents, spoiling themselves can seem selfish. We must provide children with a permanent roof over their heads, send them to good schools, offer them great vacations, etc. Parents sacrifice so much that, even when they have extra money to spoil themselves, they will prefer to please their children.

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6. His comfort zone

When you become a parent, you are no longer just your own person. You have become a child’s shield and you must rise to the occasion to defend and protect them.

And it’s even more difficult for people who have trouble getting out of their comfort zone and who put up a lot of mental barriers. Indeed, parenting can be more difficult for introverted or anxious people.

7. Friends

It’s difficult to have a perfect social life with children. When you become parents and most of your friends don’t have children yet, it can be difficult to maintain the connection since you are not at the same stage in your life. You then miss parties and then end up no longer being invited.

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To avoid getting to this point, the ideal is to talk about it openly with your friends, even before the arrival of a child. After all, friendship is very important for personal development so you just need to communicate and organize yourself. Difficult but not impossible!

8. His peace of mind

Before you have children, your life is all about taking care of yourself. You are free to do what you want without having to worry too much about the consequences. But with children, every decision has a major impact on the future.

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This responsibility can often become overwhelming as there is little respite from your obligations. Everything must be weighed, analyzed and thought about. Not to mention that parents always worry about their children and this worry never goes away, no matter if the child is 3, 10 or 20 years old.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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