here are the best boost rates for your savings

The boost rates offered on certain bank accounts are increasing. A tip that can allow you to earn more than on a Livret A, at least over a few months. What are the best booklets at the moment? Response elements.

The rate of your Livret A and your Sustainable and Solidarity Development Booklet (LDDS) are frozen at 3% until January 31, 2025. Do you want to save more and above all have better remuneration? The bank book or super booklet could well be made for you.

Accessible for the modest sum of 10 euros for the most part, these super booklets have the advantage of offering boosted rates: welcome offers with higher remuneration during the first months (3 or 4 months in general) following subscription. Today, five players offer these welcome offers for rates included between 3.5 and 5.5%. This is particularly the case with the Fortuneo online banking superbook. Booklet + in fact serves a remuneration of 5.5% over 4 months. A boost rate which allows it to place itself at the top of the best bank accounts and to move ahead of its competitor Monabanq and the Rentabilis account.

If the remuneration is attractive, we must also not forget that the interest is not exempt from taxation. Unlike the Livret A, the LDDS or the LEP, the interest generated is subject to the flat tax of 30% (i.e. 12.8% taxes and 17.2% social security contributions).

Bank account: rates up to 5.5%, here is the best super account according to your profile

What are the best bank books?

The payment limit on these super savings accounts is very high. 1 million euros at Cashbee, 10 million euros at Fortuneo, Meilleurtaux or even and even an unlimited ceiling for the Rentablis booklet from Monabanq. Enough to add quite a few zeros to your savings. But how much can you actually earn? by placing 1000 euros there?

How much interest for a payment of 1000 euros? (1)
Booklet nameRate
Boost rateRate on
a year

Net interest
over 3 months

Net interest
over 12 months

Cashbee booklet


4% over 3 months




Hello Plus Hello Bank booklet


3.5% over 12 months




BforBank booklet


4% over 3 months




Booklet + from Fortuneo


5.5% over 4 months




Monabanq Rentabilis booklet


5% over 3 months




Despite the taxation applied, some of these bank books beat the Livret A… But only over a few months. 1000 euros placed in an A booklet in 2024 for 3 months pays off 7.50 euros when the Booklet + of Fortuneo and Profitable of Monabanq report respectively 9.66 euros and 8.75 euros.

Pay attention to base rates

But in the longer term, it is the Livret A which will bring in the most for the saver. Over the entire year 2024, anyone who invests 1000 euros will benefit from 30 euros in interest. Ms. with a rate 3.50% over 12 months, Hello Plus from online banking Hello Bank is not doing any better. At best, after taxation, the saver will only gain 24.64 euros over a year. Once the promotions have ended, the other super livrets have a lower base remuneration than that of Livret A.

If you have reached the ceilings of 12,000 euros and 22,950 euros for your LDDS and Livret A, opening a bank account may prove to be a good option, especially if you want to take advantage of the boosted rates. The last downside, however, is that bank book rates are not guaranteed. They can be reviewed at any time by the establishment which markets it. The remuneration of Livret A is regulated by the state and frozen until the end of January next year.

Compare the best bank accounts

(1) Simulation carried out on 03/13/2024 with the MoneyVox savings account calculator

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