Here are the cities where the mask is mandatory outdoors

Starting today or in the next few days, new cities are implementing a strict mask policy.

In the streets, in markets, in large gatherings or when distancing cannot be respected, masks become mandatory in some cities. An important data to know since the Minister of Health Olivier Véran announced on his Twitter account that the prefects by decree can extend the obligation to wear a mask in open public places.

The department most at risk, currently, is Mayenne, where the indicators "confirm the active circulation of the virus", recalls CNews. 69 municipalities are thus under an order. In view of the situation, the list has therefore grown. There is now "the community of communes of the Pays de Château-Gontier, of Ernée, as well as the communes of Mayenne, Evron, Craon and Renazé.", In addition to Laval.

"If all Mayenne people mobilize and respect the instructions, health indicators will evolve in the right direction. This fight is therefore everyone's business," said a press release from the prefecture, relayed by the France-Presse agency.

In the rest of France, you will need to wear a mask, in some parts of the city, at:

-Tours, from Friday August 7.

-Abbeville, on the Abbeville-Plage event, from August 3 to 30.

-Lille, from Monday August 3.

-Argelès-sur-mer, from July 21 until August 31.

-Biarritz, from August 3.

-Orléans: on the banks of the Loire, in the evening and at night (from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.).

-Annecy: all city markets since July 25.

– Saint-Malo: since Thursday July 30.

– Le Touquet: since Saturday August 1st.

– Bayeux: from this Saturday August 1st.

– Bayonne: from Monday 3 August.

– Nice: from Monday 3 August.

– Cergy: since Wednesday July 29, on the markets.

– Dax: since August 1st.

– Ermont: towards the Saint-Flaive market (and in the surroundings), since Wednesday July 29.

– Annecy: all markets, since July 25.

– Quiberon: some places in the city, since July 24.

– La Rochelle: in the city center, since July 22.

– Le Mont-Saint-Michel (Manche): in the streets from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., since July 22.

– Troyes (Aube): parks and gardens, since July 21.

– Saint-Brieuc: town center, as well as any event of more than 10 people, since July 20.

– Le Grau-du-Roi: in the streets of the city, since July 18.

– Noirmoutier: markets, flea markets, garage sales and certain places in the city, since July 17th.

– Cabourg: since Tuesday July 28.

To find out a little more about your summer cities, do not hesitate to consult their websites.

If the decree is not respected, the fine is 135 euros. And if the offense is repeated, the fine will be 1,500 euros. In the event of a repeat offense, the citizen is liable to 6 months imprisonment and a fine of 3,750 euros.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) in an announcement on Saturday August 1, more than 18 million people have been infected worldwide.

Coronavirus: can it be transmitted in the air?

Video by Loïcia Fouillen