here is the most generous astrological sign under the duvet

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In astrology, not all signs are in the same boat. One of them is the most generous under the duvet: he does everything to satisfy his or her partner.

All astrological signs are different. They each have their main quality and their worst flaw. Some are known to be more romantic (Taurus for example), others are more fickle, like Sagittarius or Gemini for example (which does not mean that they are unfaithful). There are also more sensual signs than the others and each sign would have its privileged sexual position in relation to its character. Thus, desires and sexual practices would be influenced by the sign of the zodiac. But then who is the sign the best under the duvet ? It depends on your basic sign, we know that two are particularly compatible: Taurus and Scorpio. They find balance and passion during sex. They are made to get along from a physical point of view.

Everyone has their sexo profile according to their character. Thus, there is a sign more generous than the others under the duvet. A sign that naturally pretends to be after its partner, because it is also the most generous and empathetic sign of the zodiac in normal times. This is Pisces! The latter gives without counting in life and in his sexual life, even if it means forgetting himself a little… He must take care to have a balance between him and his or her partner so that both people find their account.

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The very generous signs under the duvet

Pisces is not the only one to give everything for love under the duvet. In effect, Virgo gives a lot. She likes to please and when she loves, she is ready for anything, which makes her a generous partner. We also think of Cancer who are so romantic that they give everything for each other. Another water sign is much more generous than you might think: the Scorpion. Yes, this mysterious sign is whole and when he loves, he shows it generously under the duvet as well as outside. Capricorn is also a sign that can be very dedicated under the duvet. He is into sharing and likes that the person who accompanies him feels perfectly well. As you have seen, the most generous signs both under and outside the duvet are water and earth signs. They are turned towards the gift unlike the signs of air and fire a little more individualistic. Of course, every person and every couple is different!

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