Here it all begins: the sulphurous rumor about Teyssier that agitates the Institute

Since Théo and Charlène left for the other side of the world, Anaïs and Teyssier support each other in “Here everything begins”. But this rapprochement is already causing a stir within the Auguste Armand Institute…

This is the new rumor that could agitate the Auguste Armand Institute in Here it all begins… TF1 (which broadcasts the series from Monday to Friday from 6:30 p.m.) has just revealed a new excerpt from the series in which Deva (Kathy Packianathan) and Mehdi (Marvin Pellegrino) inform Salomé (Aurélie Pons) of rumors about her best friend Anaïs (Julie Sassoust) and Teyssier (Benjamin Baroche).

Only one being is missing…

Barely a few days ago, they said goodbye to Charlène (Pola Petrenko, who spoke about her departure from fiction) and Théo (Khaled Alouach) who decided to go on a trip around the world together. Staying at the castle, Anaïs (who is dating the former head of Double A) and Teyssier (who is the father of the two young people) thus feel very neglected and support each other.

Moreover, it is precisely this friendly rapprochement that calls out… In the corridors of the famous cooking school, Deva therefore discusses with Salomé and Mehdi, she declares that she finds it strange that the great pastry chef invites Anaïs to his home to work and Hortense’s husband (Catherine Davydzenka) approves of her comments.

… and everything is depopulated.

According to Salomé, none of this is weird… Deva insists despite everything and affirms that at the Auguste Armand Institute, gossip circulates very quickly! She is even well placed to know since she had been accused of having an affair with Lisandro after innocently going to his home…

Salome relativizes again: Anaïs is Theo’s girlfriend, it is normal for her to go to her parents. Deva and Mehdi point out that it is indeed normal for her to go there…when Theo is present.

Their interlocutor understands better what everyone might think, that is to say that Anaïs and Teyssier are dating! Salomé obviously finds this ridiculous but Deva and Mehdi insist that their relationship should only develop in a professional setting to avoid any misunderstanding… Are they right? To be continued in Here it all begins.

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