Here it all starts: what awaits you in episode 550 of Friday, December 9, 2022 [SPOILERS]

In the next episode of “Here it all begins”, despite the incident the day before, Teyssier has more than one trick up his sleeve. Greg no longer knows which foot to dance on. Charlene receives good news.

Attention, the following paragraphs contain spoilers on the episode of Here it all begins broadcast Friday evening on TF1! If you don’t want to know anything, don’t read on!

Friday, December 9 in Here it all begins…

Jude can’t wait to officially start classes as a student at the Auguste Armand Institute, still working with Eliott. Jude gets noticed by Guinot because of his gossip. Greg is inwardly glad that the professor is taking him aside, arguing that he has to prove himself since he didn’t pass the Institute exam. Guinot tries to trick Jude into asking him about galangal, but Jude has the right answer to everything. He is determined to prove to her that he belongs.

At the end of class, Guinot tastes Jude and Eliott’s dish. He congratulates them both. On the other hand, he blames Greg, who took the initiative to add mint leaves to the recipe, in memory of his father. Guinot asks him to redo the dish as he asked. Witness to the scene, Eliott gets closer to his ex to taste his dish. Unlike their teacher, he finds it very good and congratulates Greg on his initiative. This one is hit.

During lunch break, Jude and Eliott eat together. Jude seeks to find out more about the nature of their relationship given that after their kiss at the party, Eliott moved back in with Greg. Eliott explains that he can no longer trust his ex since what happened with Brice, but that, on the other hand, he has trouble turning the page on his first love story. He can’t give Jude an answer right now because he doesn’t feel ready to start a new relationship, but he confirms to him that he enjoyed their kiss. Jude is understanding.

Meanwhile, Lionel invites Greg for a drink in the evening. Now, Greg has planned a romantic evening for him and Eliott. Lionel advises his friend to wait a bit before pulling out all the stops at the risk of getting caught up in the wind. Greg becomes suspicious and questions her. Lionel ends up revealing to her that he saw Eliott and Jude kissing at the party the day before…

While Inesta is absent at Double A, Deva manages her teams to prepare the service. David arrives late with a black eye. He tells Deva and Amber that Inesta hit him, hoping to stoke their sympathy. On the contrary, the two girls accuse him of having pushed his coach to the limit.

At the same time, Lisandro recognizes the facts of which he is accused against Emmanuel and Antoine. If the principal sees no other solution than immediate dismissal for serious misconduct, the director puts things into perspective. He believes that the altercation took place outside of class and therefore does not concern the Institute. Emmanuel suggests to Lisandro to resume training with David for the mixology championship and to ensure that his foal does not say a word about the case. In which case, he will have to fire him.

When they find themselves alone, Emmanuel puts Antoine’s reaction down to personal jealousy. At the same time, Laetitia announces to the director that the president of the championship jury is waiting for him at the Double A. Antoine then understands that his colleague wants to keep a violent teacher only to win one more trophy.

At Double A, Inesta reassures Deva, then apologizes to David. He tells her that he hasn’t been fired and that they will have to continue working together to win the mixology championship. Shortly after, Teyssier completes his visit to the restaurant to the president of the jury, to whom he introduces Inesta and David. To explain his injury, the young man claims to have taken a bottle of Gin by missing a figure.

Later, Deva hears David continuing to shoot Inesta behind his back. She can’t stand it and puts David in his place.

Meanwhile, Helena, one of the candidates for the mixology championship, approaches Laetitia and Antoine to provide them with a paper missing from her registration file. Laetitia takes care of it. Antoine therefore holds Helena back for a moment. Impressed by her CV, he wants to recruit her. Right after this interview, Helena finds Lisandro. This is the company of Rose, who takes news of the situation. Helena also checks in on her friend, surprised that he didn’t tell her he wanted to quit. Indeed, Myriel has just offered him to take over his job…

Billie goes to see Charlène at the workshop to excuse her for having touched her creation the day before. However, she finds that the young girl has kept her idea. Charlène then offers him to collaborate, on the condition of never speaking of Louis again. Billie happily accepts.

During Thomas’ class, Charlene presents the finished product directly, mentioning Billie’s help. In addition, she prepared some samples for her classmates to taste the gingerbread. Thomas congratulates her. Livio also compliments her.

In the locker room, Charlène tells Billie that their project won over Thomas. They will therefore take care of all the decoration of the ephemeral bakery together. Opening her locker, Charlène discovers an invitation from Louis to spend a ski holiday in a spa chalet in Switzerland for Christmas. Charlène is ready to succumb because he knows her tastes by heart, before remembering that she no longer wants to have him in her life. She admits to Billie that she is especially afraid of finding herself alone because all her projects were linked to Louis. The first year forbids him to depreciate and values ​​all his qualities.

While Charlène is packing her things in the workshop, Louis comes to congratulate her on her work, although a little surprised that she teamed up with Billie. Charlene cuts the conversation short by handing him her invitation. Louis insists and tries to find a compromise, but Charlène declares that she no longer wants to be tied to him.

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