Here’s the #1 Major Difference Between Happy Couples and Unhappy Couples

Are happy couples exceptional? Is it difficult to keep a healthy relationship healthy for many years? If some couples prove to us that this is possible, we wonder what their secret is! Here’s what separates a happy couple from an unhappy couple.

Finding the ideal person to share your life with can be a real obstacle course for some people, so when they get their hands on one, few of them really question the basis of their relationship and if the person they find is truly the one they are looking for. ‘they need. Indeed, if the first months or even the first years are very easy and a couple evolves in a bubble of happiness, ensuring that all this is also the case in the long term can be a real challenge.

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It’s not easy for an unhappy couple to face reality and understand what could have destroyed a strong and happy marriage. For many, this truth is all the harder to accept since many prefer to live in a relationship in which they are unhappy than to leave their partner. We are not talking about the little everyday arguments which are completely normal, or even very healthy, when it comes to the sustainability of love, but rather about a feeling of deep unease.

How do we know if we are unhappy in our relationship?

It is in a podcast that relationship coach Jimmy Knowles reveals that there is a notable difference between couples who are happy in love and those who are not. But what is this difference and how can we remedy it by integrating it into our romantic relationships to make our relationship last? According to the specialist, the only difference between these two types of couples is simply their level of kindness towards each other.

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Jimmy Knowles explains in his podcast that although it seems obvious: “The major difference between a happy and unhappy couple is their kindness to each other“. Indeed, if for everyone being kind to your neighbor should be a certainty, the specialist indicates that couples very often underestimate or underuse this character trait of kindness because for them it remains obvious. in their relationship. But in a world where we are constantly attacked by external elements, keeping things simple and even positive feelings in a marriage will guarantee a happy and stable relationship.

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How can we create kindness within our relationship?

There are several ways to be kind to your partner and the specialist gives us some of his advice. Firstly, he recommends understanding the needs of the person who accompanies us on a daily basis. A psychologist, Susan Krauss Whitbourne explains: “During difficulties, we approach the conflict without understanding our partner’s point of view. We fail to consider their emotional needs and instead resort to yelling.» A bad approach which should rather highlight communication within a couple.

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The second advice from specialists is to be very careful about the words we use. In certain moments of anger, words can exceed thoughts and leave an indelible mark. Instead, it is recommended to take a break and step away from the conflict for a few minutes instead of saying words that would go too far. Being in a relationship is above all a team effort, it is important to treat your partner the same way you would like them to treat you.

The people? A whole world! Passionate about media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, Jessica naturally turned to writing and takes…

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