here’s where to apply it so it lasts all day


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It is better to put your perfume on certain specific areas of your body if you want to smell good in the morning or evening.

On the wrists, on the hair, sprayed generously above you to create a perfuming cloud… When it comes to perfume, everyone has their own technique, but all the pschitts are not worth for keep the good smell of your perfume all day long. First point to emphasize and not least: contrary to what one might think, the perfume holds better on the skin than on the clothes. If you spray your favorite fragrance on your outfit before leaving, know that it is better to apply it directly to your skin so that it lasts as long as possible.

But it is also very important to apply your eau de toilette or your eau de parfum to certain specific areas of your body in order to make it last until the evening. It is more precisely pulse points, that is to say the areas of the body where the skin is warmer (because it is more irrigated by blood circulation), that you must put on your perfume because the heat of your body will help to diffuse it throughout the day.

Perfume: the areas to favor so that it lasts all day

To make the most of your perfume, remember to apply it to well-known strategic points such as in the neck, in the hollow of cuffs, at the base ears, but also on much more surprising areas such as on the navel, in the hollow of the chest, or even at crook of the elbows and behind the kneesx. These hot spots on the body will thus be able to reactivate the smell of your perfume over the hours.

Perfume: areas to avoid

On the other hand, be careful not to put perfume on hot areas of the body that are prone to perspiration because sweat doesn’t mix well with perfumes. When spraying your eau de parfum or your eau de toilette, do not put it near the armpits.

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find you the best makeup, hair and skincare trends, and pro tips…

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