High salary for doing nothing: IT expert automates his job unnoticed

High salary for doing nothing
IT expert automates his job unnoticed

Not a bad idea: an IT expert programs software that does his job. The employer doesn’t notice anything – and continues to pay the salary.

Imagine that you let your soul dangle all day, playing video games and watching Netflix series – and earning a bunch of money in the meantime. No, we are not talking about crypto trading, but about automated work. A Reddit user named Throwaway59724 is currently going viral with his story as an IT worker who does nothing all day and makes money doing it.

Under the post “I automated my job over a year ago and haven’t told anyone” he tells his success story in quite detail: He works as an IT specialist for a medium-sized law firm. His job is to digitally organize all kinds of documents and evidence for court hearings.

“The law firm was in the process of transferring its evidence management to a cloud and gave me sole admin rights for this […] Sounds great, but I quickly found that this was the only job they expected me to do during my 8-hour shift.”

The Redditor describes how he was bored in the office all day and had to pretend to work. But then Corona came and everything changed.

$90,000 a year

From now on, Throwaway59724 should work from home. So he set up his remote workstation – where he managed to program a script that automated all his work. “The script essentially scans the local drive for new files, hashes them, transfers them to the cloud, and then hashes them again for fidelity,” he explains.

In summary: The program does its job and he can have a lazy spring while he does it. And all this for an annual salary of 90,000 US dollars.

At first he had a guilty conscience. But now he doesn’t really see anything wrong with it. After all, he does exactly the work that is required of him. And as soon as he was fired, he could delete the script – so the firm would have to find someone again.

The Reddit forum also encourages him in what he is doing – or not doing. As User:in BlobTheBuilderz puts it, “Just think of your salary as a subscription service to your automated program. Big companies love subscription services, right?”

This text is first at business punk appeared.

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