Higher discounts, more offers: the car market is noticeably relaxing for customers

Bigger discounts, more supply
The car market is noticeably relaxing for customers

After months of difficult availability, the delivery times for car customers are falling sharply, as the Center Automotive Research has determined. Those interested in new cars can also expect higher price reductions again – even for plug-in hybrids that are no longer state-subsidised.

After a long Corona lull, those interested in new cars in Germany can hope for higher discounts again. Despite the limited government subsidies for electronics, manufacturers are tempting customers with discounts and additional subscription offers, the Duisburg Center Automotive Research (CAR) reported for January.

As expected, the manufacturers had increased their own price reductions for the no longer subsidized plug-in hybrids with combined electric combustion engines. In the case of the battery models, which have been supported with reduced amounts since the beginning of the year, the US manufacturer Tesla in particular has lowered the list prices for its two most important models so that, unlike before, they qualify for the maximum environmental bonus.

Such price reductions in the list are not common among classic car manufacturers, explained study leader Ferdinand Dudenhöffer. He therefore expects higher discounts and inexpensive special models from Volkswagen, for example, in the second half of the year at the latest in order to keep his own electric cars competitive with Teslas.

According to CAR estimates, the production processes are currently normalizing. The delivery times for all types of drive fell significantly. This is also reflected in the faster availability of cars in the subscription model, which includes insurance and maintenance services. There are more offers and cheaper subscription rates on average.

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