His cell phone located – there was still no trace of the arsonist

The investigations into the devastating fire of a single-family house in Sieggraben are in full swing. As reported, the stately home has been torched to the ground. The suspect quickly ran away. His cell phone could be located briefly, after which there was no trace of him.

The perpetrator appears to have acted willfully. The handsome house in Sieggraben in the Mattersburg district had been torched to such an extent that only the completely sooty foundation walls remained. The rest went up in flames.

The perpetrator was targeted
The arsonist consistently put the devastating plan into practice.
Apparently the fire was started in several places shortly before four in the morning on Monday. The flames leaped up in every corner and corner of the home, as 120 alarmed emergency services had to find out. The major fire radiated enormous heat. Not even all fire helmets withstood this challenge.

Get lost in the sand
The owner and her two small children did not notice anything about the operation.
As has often been the case in the past, you were not at home, but with a friend. The family man, on the other hand, was still missing. The excavator driver’s cell phone could still be located as far as Lower Austria, after which the connection was lost. The trail was lost. The search continued on Tuesday.

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