his confessions about his difficult years, “A little nightmare”

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Everything has not always been easy for the indescribable dance teacher of Star Academy 2022. At least that is what Yanis Marshall explained in the columns of the newspaper Le Parisien…

Big spotlight on Yanis Marshall thanks to her new role as dance teacher of the new edition of the star Academy. Indeed, since October 15 and until Saturday November 26, the talented choreographer has made the students of the castle of Dammarie-les-Lys dance, as well as the viewers by taking over the post of the unforgettable Kamel Ouali. It was the latter who had spotted Yanis Marshall a few years ago, as he himself explained in an interview with the newspaper The Parisian : “He had taken care of the series Sous le soleil and was looking for young people from the region who knew how to dance“. And to add: “And when he launched The Sun King, he asked me to be part of it“. A flying start for Yanis, but alas, everything has not always been easy for this artist. Indeed, as told by this close friend of actress Ellen Pompeo, star of Grey’s Anatomyin his interview, he also had a hard time : “I made false CVs: one day a salesman at Zara, another waiter in a pizzeria or in a bar… It was a little nightmare. But I had such a pat and a good face, so I was taken everywhere, even if I stayed only one day as I was so bad“.

But it’s really when he decides to leave everything to move to New York with his former companion that his life takes a turn. There he met Sheryl Murakami, Beyoncé’s choreographer, and Brian Friedman, Britney Spears’ choreographer, and finally decided to accept himself as he was: “And there it was a revelation. I found what I was missing, this very sexual and sensual side that I couldn’t express through dance in France. I didn’t even think I had the right“.”I said to myself: We can! Except it was in New York“Because indeed, in France, it was more complicated: “In France, I added the heels and I was insulted by all the names“. Today, it is in his country that he finally shines, and that is priceless.

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Coming out in 2016

If Yanis Marshall had trouble immediately assuming his true nature in the eyes of the world, in 2016, he nevertheless decided that it was time to show who he really is. This is how he came out by posting a long message on his Facebook account. “I am gay, very gay” he had thus written. “I’m gay. I have always been gay. I am also very proud to be gay and… Thank you very much! But homophobia is very real. I see it every day in my comment feed here on Instagram, on Facebook or on my Youtube page […] Personally, I don’t care. Totally. But not everyone is as strong as me. I will die wearing my heels! But what happened in Orlando makes me so sad with its sheer cruelty, ignorance and hatred. Please don’t let this stop you from being who you are.“. Now Yanis Marshall takes full responsibility and has made her passion for dance and heels her greatest strength!

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