his partner evokes suspicious laundry


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Séverine, the new companion of Cédric Jubillar, indicted for aggravated murder in the investigation into the disappearance of his wife Delphine Jubillar, mentioned a detail that she considers incriminating for the police.

In June 2021, Cédric Jubillar was indicted for aggravated murder as part of the investigation into the disappearance of his wife Delphine. The Toulouse public prosecutor had mentioned many inconsistencies on the part of Cédric Jubillar. Among them, we find this laundry that Delphine’s husband was doing when the police arrived the night of her disappearance. According to Cédric Jubillar, the dog had urinated on his wife’s sheets.

His new companion, Séverine, defends him body and soul and considers that this anecdote from the police “came up from scratch.” “The laundry was not done at 4:50 am, it was done 36 hours later. Half is warped. Cedric’s lawyers themselves said that the material had been presented in a misleading way, it is not for nothing “, she explains in an interview with Femme Actuelle.

Read also : Delphine Jubillar case: the account of the night of her disappearance by the Toulouse prosecutor

At the start of the school year, new investigations into the Delphine Jubillar case

Less than two months after the indictment of Cédric Jubillar, the family of Delphine Jubillar, who disappeared on December 15, 2020 in the Tarn, was heard for the first time by the investigating judges. “A first contact and a classic procedural hearing”, explains a source close to the file cited by La Dépêche. Delphine Jubillar’s brothers and sister were accompanied by their lawyers. “They are trying to find out what happened to their sister and they only have that question in mind”, can we also read.

Read also : Sexual SMS sent by Cédric Jubillar, a friend of Delphine testifies

New searches are planned for September 2021 to find Delphine Jubillar, 33, who disappeared in Cagnac-les-Mines, in the Tarn. The nurse, a mother of two, was in the process of divorce before her disappearance. Her husband Cédric Jubillar, meanwhile, continues to proclaim his innocence.

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