Holiday flair with inexpensive ingredients: this is how you can create the best summer recipes

Quick, easy, delicious !: Holiday flair with inexpensive ingredients: This is how you can make the best summer recipes

Just a few ingredients, uncomplicated preparation and delicious recipes with a holiday flair: These dishes are a success in every holiday home, on the campsite and at home – and everyone is sure to enjoy them. We give practical tips on how you can conjure up great holiday dishes with just a few healthy ingredients.

Anyone who spends their holiday in a holiday home or a caravan on the campsite can cook as well and deliciously as at home – but of course not all utensils and ingredients are made from their own kitchen with it. Successful self-sufficiency on vacation works with quick and uncomplicated dishes. But delicious holiday dishes can also be conjured up at home.

Fruity and delicious! The iconic watermelon and feta salad

Especially at high Temperatures A watermelon and feta salad tastes good, as shown by Anne-Katrin Weber in her book “The vegetarian five-ingredient kitchen”.

You need watermelon, feta, mint, a red chilli pepper, some lime juice and, from the basic supply, olive oil, honey and salt.

  • preparation: Within a few minutes.
  • Level of difficulty: Guaranteed to be suitable for beginners.

Cut the watermelon into bite-sized pieces or slices and arrange on a platter, then crumble the feta over it, wash the mint and pluck the leaves, then add them as well. Then you mix chopped chilli with lime juice, olive oil, honey and salt and drizzle the quick dressing over the salad.

A recipe that not only provides refreshment, but is also flexible – for example, when the supermarket in the holiday resort is out of watermelon. “The salad also tastes great with a green or orange honeydew melon,” says the cookbook author.

Would you like some warm food? Simple gnochi with cherry tomatoes and capers

If you are looking for a warm refreshment, you can rely on gnocchi with cherry tomato and caper butter, which can also be found in Anne-Katrin Weber’s book. “You can get the gnocchi in good quality in the refrigerated shelf, the small tomatoes are part of the quick kitchen, and together with the spicy capers and the summer herb basil, put us in a light Mediterranean holiday mood in no time”, says the expert.

  • preparation: Within half an hour.
  • Level of difficulty: Guaranteed to be suitable for beginners.

Pesto for smart dishes on vacation

Cookbook author Steffi Sinzenich also knows which holiday dish is easy to make and everyone likes. In the book “The simplest family dishes of all times” she presents a pesto noodle salad: For this you cook pasta, halve tomatoes, cut mozzarella, wash rocket and at the end mix everything with green pesto – it’s ready to serve.

Once the green pesto has been bought, it can be used straight away: “It’s great as a marinade for chicken breast fillets or grilled vegetables,” says Steffi Sinzenich. “Alternatively, green pesto can be used for salad dressings. A pesto dressing goes well with green salads, but also with potato salads.”

Quick pasta dish for the whole family

Another quick idea from her book: Pasta with Peppers and Walnuts. For this dish you cook pasta and collect the cooking water. Grilled peppers from the jar are cut into strips and briefly fried in oil, then mixed with the noodles with previously roasted walnuts and a little cooking water. Season everything with salt and pepper – and the 20-minute dish is ready.

  • preparation: A maximum of half an hour.
  • Level of difficulty: Guaranteed to be suitable for beginners.

“Instead of grilled peppers, you can also use jar-dried tomatoes. You can actually buy them in every supermarket,” says Steffi Sinzenich.

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Which ingredients should I buy for a campsite, holiday home or for the perfect holiday feast?

In order for such simple dishes to be successful with just a few ingredients, a certain basic supply should be available in the holiday home: olive oil, vinegar, a sweetener of choice, plus salt and a few spices – these are the author’s tips.

Also vegetable broth, a good mustard, soy sauce, a few onions and garlic. “I would always have pasta, rice and other ‘grains’ such as couscous, bulgur, millet or quinoa and potatoes with me,” says Anne-Katrin Weber. “All of this is ideal for the uncomplicated, quick kitchen.”

Expert Sinzenich would only take long-life food with her for vacation in the holiday home or on the campsite. “Everything else can also be bought on site.” You can read Anne-Katrin Weber’s cookbook at Amazon or in bookstores acquire.

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