Hormone free through the cycle with these new methods

More and more women want to stop taking hormones, but instead want to get to know their cycle better. It's good that the FemTech industry is so innovative and has brought new methods onto the market. Our author tried it out.

1. Inside – cycle tracking through saliva

The Berlin FemTech start-up is taking a completely new approach to fertility monitoring and helping women decipher their own cycle.

This is how it works:

The inne method, which was developed by Eirini Rapti and her team of experts, focuses on the observation of the body's own hormone progesterone, which plays an important role in a possible pregnancy. The progesterone level in saliva is measured daily with the help of a test strip. In order to be able to read it out, the test strip is inserted into the internal reader, which in turn is linked to the associated app. Here you can read the results after about 15 minutes. The level of the progesterone level indicates whether a high fertility is likely or not. But that's not all – it also makes it easier to understand the side effects of hormonal changes such as acne, hair loss or blemished skin. You can also track your period and cervical mucus in the app. Plus: There is a lot of exciting reading material about hormones and the female body.

Important to know:

  • This method is only suitable for women who have a regular cycle to have. Immediately after stopping the pill, it is not recommended because the data are not meaningful.
  • It should always be measured in the same Time window of four hours, whereby this period can be chosen flexibly
  • always measure before eating, otherwise the saliva can be adulterated
  • The inside reader costs 179 euros, the test strips from 35 euros in a monthly subscription.
  • Unfortunately, the app is currently available only for the iOS operating system.

2. breathe ilo – cycle tracking through breath

breathe ilo is an innovative form of cycle tracking that supports couples with an unfulfilled desire to have children and, at the same time, easily integrates cycle tracking into everyday life.

This is how it works:

During the menstrual cycle, hormones are produced that cause changes in the level of CO2 in the air you breathe. It is precisely these changes that breathe ilo measures. On the basis of this tracking of the CO2 content and other symptoms, breathe ilo learns the cycle and predicts it precisely and reliably. Just breathe for a minute and you have the result. The whole thing is tracked in the associated app, in which disruptive factors, cervical mucus observations and various other symptoms are noted. There is worth knowing in the app on Top.

Important to know:

  • breathe ilo measures fertility in real time. Similar to an ovulation test, you know immediately after the measurement: fertile or not.
  • There are no strict time framein which the measurement must take place. The morning is recommended. Only coffee and carbonated drinks should be avoided at least 15 minutes in advance.
  • breathe iio can either rented for around € 25 a month be or for around Bought 220 €.
  • The app is available both for Android as well as for iOS.
breath ilo

3. Daysy – cycle tracking by temperature

The company behind Daysy – Valley Electronics – can look back on many years of experience in the development of cycle computers. The company aims to equip women with the knowledge and resources they need to make informed and important decisions about their cycle and body.

How it works:

Daysy is an intelligent fertility tracker with which the cycle is recorded and evaluated by means of temperature measurement. Every morning you measure your basal body temperature with the computer under the tongue and enter whether you are on your period. Daysy automatically calculates your fertile and infertile days.

The fertility status is shown either as a red (you are fertile / possible fertile) or green (you are not fertile) light.

Important to know:

  • Calculations are based on measuring the Basal body temperature, the body temperature that you have immediately after waking up and before waking up. It often takes a little while to get used to reaching for Daysy as soon as you wake up. But once integrated into the morning routine, it works great.
  • In combination with the learning algorithm Daysy makes statements about the fertile and sterile days
  • It is also worth knowing that the basal temperature is prone to failure. For example, irregular sleep, alcohol, and stress can all affect temperature.
  • The Daysy fertility tracker costs € 290.