Horoscope: 3 signs of the zodiac attract everyone’s attention at Christmas

These 3 zodiac signs will be the focus for Christmas 2021

© Impact Photography / Shutterstock

Not even a week and then it’s Christmas. Time to lay out your outfits, because three zodiac signs attract everyone’s attention on the festival of love.

The year 2021 is drawing to a close at a remarkable pace. Good this way! We would now like to just fast-forward and find out what 2022 has to offer us – at least from an astrological point of view, this is of course extremely exciting. But: impatience is rarely good!

We can also reassure you, because the last two weeks of the year – especially the three days of Christmas – are tough again. It is therefore worth taking a look at the universe: For three zodiac signs, the holidays literally become a single festival. Attractive and charismatic, they attract everyone’s attention and ensure that everything revolves around them this Christmas.

Horoscope: These 3 zodiac signs are the focus of Christmas 2021


People with the zodiac sign Aquarius are individual and eccentric characters who do not always go down well and sometimes offend. This Christmas, that’s not the case, because your sociable streak will show up and you will really blossom. You have been looking forward to the festival for weeks and you can see that too. Shining eyes, contagious laughter – there is hardly anyone who is not carried away by your enthusiasm. That makes you the star of the Christmas days this year and you can enjoy this attention to the fullest.


Lions are already charismatic personalities who love to be the center of attention and are popular due to their open-minded and extroverted manner. The admiration of others is your greatest compliment. You can look forward to the coming holidays, because the stars give you a good helping of self-confidence and make you shine. No matter what type of gig you are planning – be it a spontaneous dance, a touching piece on the piano or a story from your glamorous life – you are the star of the evening.


Sagittarius-born are people persons. They are mostly extroverted and open-minded characters who love to be around people and thus draw their energy. This Christmas you will especially enjoy getting together with your loved ones – understandable, because 2021 was not easy – and you really celebrate every minute. The enthusiastic vein of the fire sign is particularly evident on the festive days. No wonder that shooters are the favorites at every party and, conversely, that most shooters appreciate a good party.

Sources: Brigitte two-week horoscope


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