Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs that are now experiencing a boost in creativity

Galactic good ideas: Three zodiac signs are now being kissed by the muse

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Whether solving problems, developing something completely new or becoming artistically active, such challenges are currently made for three zodiac signs: the stars now give them an extra portion of creativity.

Sometimes we are creative and ingenious and then again dull as a crust of bread. Why is that? Certainly due to several factors. For example, our state of health will have an impact on how we can deal with problems or develop ideas, our life situation may play a role – do we have a lot or little on the list at the moment? – and our social environment will certainly also determine how exhilarated and inspired we are in a certain phase.

And not to forget: The energies that prevail in our universe and the positions and movements of the stars. The latter promise a high level of creativity for the three zodiac signs in particular for the next two weeks – how and whether they can use it for themselves is, as always, up to each person.

Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs that are particularly creative right now


Aquarians are generally creative, independent personalities, but even they sometimes get caught up in the tedious and deadening grind of everyday life. However, the change of Venus into the zodiac sign Gemini on April 11 wakes Aquarius up abruptly: The air sign now gains a very clear awareness of its own situation and its talents. On this basis, it finds access to its abilities and strengths – in particular to its own creativity.


Leo now encourages the stars to be adventurous and try something new without thinking it through too much in advance. In this way, the fire sign can broaden their perspective and come up with fresh ideas and approaches – not only for current and future matters, but also for old problems.


Libras are now getting support from Mercury to get rid of some old burdens – and they are really thriving creatively in the newly gained freedom and lightness. The air sign is bursting with ideas and sees potential everywhere that can be realized. A good opportunity to clean up the present and plan for the future.

Sources used: astromedizin.info, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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