Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs whose past will catch up with them in January

Important encounter
These zodiac signs will find their past catching up with them in January

© Zolotarevs / Shutterstock

While many people are busy with their resolutions and planning for the next twelve months, the cosmos has planned a retrospective for some zodiac signs: You can read here who, according to the horoscope, will be visited by the past in January.

The past leaves its traces and influences our present and future, but it rarely reveals itself. In many moments we believe that we are acting spontaneously and currently, while in reality we are reacting to the past or at least being influenced to a large extent by it. Only sometimes do we glimpse the past at our side, catching it whispering something to us, talking us into something, or warning us about someone. In such cases, the cosmos gives us the chance to look at the past, present and future from a special perspective, to understand their role in our lives a little better and to renegotiate our freedoms and boundaries.

Following three Zodiac signs, the cosmos offers such an opportunity in January.

Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs whose past will catch up with them in January


Aries are fully focused on their goals and their future this January – and the cosmos may find that a little premature. Maybe you would like to leave your past behind you, but you still have one or two open issues that haunt you and keep slowing you down if you don’t face it. Would you like to take the opportunity now to deal with your past? Or do you put it off and carry it around as a to-do? If it makes your decision easier: the burden doesn’t get smaller over time.


Libras can learn a lot about their emotional and behavioral patterns this month. From the outside, the similarity of the present to past experiences may not be obvious, but in some moments you now recognize the true source of your emotions. This will help you better understand your irritability and underlying anger and turn it away from those who want you well and certainly don’t deserve it. Making peace with your triggers today and in your mind and looking at them from your current, more mature perspective can free your subconscious and open your self. And thus protect yourself from loneliness now and in the future.


This January, Scorpios will come across a sore spot within themselves in an interpersonal conflict – and can thereby reflect on their origins. You remember a painful moment from your past that made you do everything you could to never have to experience anything like it again. Today, however, you can see that no two moments are identical. No two people are interchangeable. Even a person can be a different person today than they were before. Will you shape your relationships in the future based on fear – or on trust?

Sources used: astromedizin.info, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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