Horoscope: 3 zodiac signs will catch up with their past in July

In July, three zodiac signs can face their past

© Zolotarevs / Shutterstock

Some people want to leave their past behind, others want it back. These zodiac signs get an opportunity in July to renegotiate their relationship with their past.

Our past is never lost. All of our past choices and actions have resulted in us now living in the present we live in. However, only a comparatively small part of our past is in our consciousness. One or the other decision, one or the other memorable, emotional experience that has stuck in our memory. But numerous moments have simply happened and have influenced the direction of our lives without us being able to classify or reproduce them today.

However, sometimes we find that darkened, invisible parts of our past are suddenly illuminated and we can glimpse them. In July, according to the horoscope, the following can happen Zodiac signs have such an experience – the cosmos apparently wants to confront them with a certain element of their past.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs face their past in July


Neptune retrograde makes Pisces particularly sensitive to other people’s moods and signals this month. This brings back memories of a time when you were highly dependent on and dependent on others. Now you often feel weak and insecure, have a strong need for confirmation and feedback. At the same time, however, you feel that this emotional state does not match your current personality and situation. You know who you are and what you are capable of. You know that you are not inferior or at the mercy of yourself – but why do you sometimes feel that way? Now you have the opportunity to look for answers in your past and to find some.


For Virgos this month, an argument with another person can trigger a memory that suddenly reveals a key reason for their insecurity and resulting perfectionism. You long to be loved and accepted for your own sake and regardless of your accomplishments and merits, but at the moment you cannot imagine that this is even possible. This idea, in turn, prevents you from realizing that there are already people who love you unconditionally. A tricky constellation that you can at least begin to unravel with the help of that triggering encounter.


In Scorpio, some unconscious, almost forgotten longings and desires come to light in June thanks to Neptune. This process is triggered by experiences that are reminiscent of earlier situations and experiences, and which have led to those longings being pushed into the unconscious at all – instead of being fulfilled. A good time for this kind of encounter with the past, because in the summery atmosphere the realization quickly sets in: As long as we live, it is never too late.

Sources used: astromedizin.info, BRIGITTE two-week horoscope


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