Horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021 by Marc Angel: Current Woman The MAG

Aries, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

Snow White is down on morale, defeated by her rival? But who can it be? It seems that she is an Aries woman, who has no animal but her beauty, also fatal, before which succumbs all the charming princes of all kingdoms. Yes, it is you who it is, your grace and your finery open the horizon to the most beautiful loves, those that last forever. Want more forecasts? Quickly discover the weekly horoscope for Aries.

Taurus, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

You have energy. Great, but what to do with it (Bérangère, it's pretty Bérangère, don't you think?)? It will dilute if you don't use it. It will even turn on you, in the form of anger for example, if you don't express it. Go for it, move, take action, the important thing is to be on the move by redoubling your creativity to mark the event. If you want to know more, the weekly Taurus horoscope should be of interest to you.

Gemini, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

I like to imagine you reacting by reading your horoscope. "Anything Marc Angel", "you make me laugh Marc Angel", "he annoys me that Angel (there, the first name is no longer there)"… It's a bit what you do today hui, making a decision just to provoke and observe the reactions. The mischievous little side of Gemini, to which you add the taste of the game. Do you want even more forecasts? The Gemini weekly horoscope gives you a complete view of your energies.

Cancer, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

If I tell you "this is hot" you understand that the relationship or the situation is going to be strained. The nerves on edge, it can go straight. But if I tell you "this is hot", you think your libido is on high, with naughty hugs in the offing. The mix of the two gives you the confidence that you can reconcile yourself on the pillow after an argument. Still not satisfied with forecasts? The Cancer Weekly Horoscope should please you.

Lion, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

Take the opposite of the annoying effects of Jupiter / Saturn in Aquarius. Entering an area of ​​turbulence gives you the opportunity to break up habits and revisit everyday life. Take the chessboard, shake it, dropping the pieces to the place of your choice. It doesn't matter if you don't like that place, the main thing is to feel you, where you belong. Need more information ? Our astrologer has studied the week of Leo, just for you.

Virgin, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

What is a horoscope for? Nothing, a friend will answer. Knowing what to expect, another will say. And you what do you think ? These thoughts are personal to you, especially do not feel guilty if they do not stick to what is being said, to what is done. Your point of view is yours, it allows you to move forward, holding the reins of your destiny. Defend it courageously. For more predictions, check out next week's horoscope for Virgo.

Balance, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

If everything is movement in astrology, the ground can be changing in life. Watch where you step so you don't get stuck in a situation that you will have a hard time extricating yourself from. Test the terrain, test behavior, avoiding reacting hot. Time is your best ally for sharpening your discernment, knowing how to act and where to go. Want to know your special Libra weekly horoscope? With Marc Angel, it's done!

Scorpio, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

It moves on the heart side. If your emotions were in hibernation, the alarm clock will be thunderous, especially hot. The desire to love will be you from now on, no offense to Daniel Levy. The urge to jump on your sweetheart's neck, make up for lost time if we had let it slip here. To animate, revive, revive, rekindle the flame of endless desire. Need to know more ? Marc Angel also looked at the weekly horoscope for Scorpio.

Sagittarius, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

Tell those who comment on your actions and complain about your decisions to take your place. You have to have guts to stop your choices, to take them on while knowing that you will not be unanimous. It is so easy to criticize. By dint of encountering resistance, reluctance and opposition, your good will eventually wears out. What if we told you that there is an even more complete horoscope? To learn more about what's in store for you over the next few days, there's a weekly horoscope for Sagittarius.

Capricorn, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

You doubt in love. And doubting makes you doubt what to do with the relationship. Without trying to reassure you too much, it is better to doubt than to have certainties (isn't it Mr. Nietzche?). Because doubting encourages you to seek answers, even questioning yourself to get those answers. To find out what the next few days will look like, quickly check out the weekly horoscope for Capricorn.

Aquarius, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

Novelty in desire. This is what Jupiter has been generating since entering your sign a little over eight days ago. Something new and beautiful, which can improve your comfort, brighten up your daily life and embellish your relationships. Dig into this desire, seek it out, deepen it, before doing everything to give it success. Are you a little head in the air and need to organize yourself for the days to come? Easy, just check the weekly horoscope for Aquarius!

Pisces, your horoscope for Saturday, January 2, 2021

There are days with and days without. Today it's a bit of both that awaits you. Luckily, you start with "without", without being able to obtain satisfaction. Little annoyances that are not very bad but have the gift of annoying you (not finding what you want for example). It ends with "with", with good surprises that fill you with joy (that someone finds for you what you were looking for). Want to know more ? Discover the weekly horoscope for Pisces. Enough to plan for the next few days, with peace of mind.

The influences of the moon today

It is good to draw inspiration from the Moon in Leo. Because Leo is a great way to find the motivation to take action. The Leo stands up front and encourages us to come together to overcome trials once and for all. It doesn't matter if the victory is for the day after tomorrow, the important thing is to move together in all weather conditions to get it. A magical star that influences our energies, the Moon also has the right to its weekly forecasts, with the lunar horoscope for the week.

See you on Sunday for your horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, discover your daily Chinese horoscope, as well as the weekly horoscope for all the astrological signs, in which Marc Angel reveals you in VIDEO the expected planetary movements and their influences on the different signs of the zodiac.

Read also :

⋙ January 2021 horoscope: Marc Angel's predictions for all astrological signs

⋙ January 2021 horoscope: the signs at the TOP … and the flops

⋙ Monthly horoscope 2021: Marc Angel's predictions for all astrological signs