Horoscope for Sunday, July 26, 2020 by Marc Angel: Current Woman Le MAG

Aries, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

You add added value to your activity, to your property. Also to your power of seduction. An additional "charm" asset that makes it easier for you to attract attention to yourself. If you fall for someone, everything contributes to the person succumbing after swooning, before liquefying. As for your darling, he is delighted, delighted, won over. Want more forecasts? Quickly discover the weekly horoscope for Aries.

Taurus, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

The Augustian sun is ready to want to share naughty games. You dive into the warm waters of pleasure. By releasing a bubbling sensuality that no one can resist. Will the conquered pretender please you, dear bachelor? Will your darling succeed in extinguishing the fire that burns in you. A priori (and for both), the answer is yes. If you want to know more, the weekly Taurus horoscope should be of interest to you.

Gemini, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

You don't say anything, take it upon yourself to avoid conflicts but anger is brewing inside. Remember, it's better to explode once than risk the implosion by containing your emotions too much. The planets allow you to benefit from advantageous situations for which you do not have to apologize to your possible detractors. Want even more forecasts? The Gemini weekly horoscope gives you a complete view of your energies.

Cancer, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

The planets look back with a tender gaze on your past. The conjuncture facilitates understanding, you realize how much misunderstanding could offend susceptibilities and inspire resentment. Morale soars as your ideas become clearer in your mind. Easing tensions helps reconciliation. Still not satisfied with forecasts? The Cancer Weekly Horoscope should please you.

Lion, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

You express the wish for a change, of life, of scenery, of place too. By igniting your desires, Venus in Gemini triggers a click: you dust off feelings to give them back impetus. You innovate day and night, offer original projects, reinvent hugs, a little more naughty. Delighted completely, your spouse, sings the same chorus. Need more information ? Our astrologer has studied Leo Week just for you.

Virgin, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

You are spending your energy transforming and improving your situation. Your fundamental goal is to enjoy your well-being by fulfilling your wishes. There is no question of revolutionizing your lifestyle, you bring added value to your activities. Optimized, the conditions lend themselves to the best action. Arranged, the space promotes relaxation and gives rise to harmonious exchanges. For more predictions, check out next week's horoscope for Virgo.

Balance, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

The horizon opens up, multiple opportunities are emerging, a godsend to showcase your talents. Print your trademark in innovative projects that enhance your expertise. A stimulating rival, Mars gives you the guts to take initiatives that are both ambitious and daring. You have great feats to achieve. To amaze you yourself. Want to know your special Libra weekly horoscope? With Marc Angel, it's done!

Scorpio, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

Somersaults under the duvet, trapeze without a net, high-aerobatics to make you dizzy. Our Scorpio loves, with passion, the mischievous spirit, not giving a damn about allegations and what to say about them. It doesn't matter if the story doesn't last, if the candy is good. It might turn more tart than sweet if your feelings catch up with you. Need to know more ? Marc Angel also looked at the weekly horoscope for Scorpio.

Sagittarius, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

Administrative questions prove to be costly, unless they negate your hopes of success or satisfaction. You still have to fight to defend your interests and assert your rights. Also be careful that an incident does not result in an expense that you would have done without. It’s more annoying than mean, but it comes at the wrong time. What if we told you that there is an even more complete horoscope? To learn more about what's in store for you over the next few days, there's a weekly horoscope for Sagittarius.

Capricorn, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

Single, long live Friendship Day. Organized by those around you who are working to orchestrate meetings in the hope that one of them turns out to be love at first sight. Their wishes are very likely to be granted. As a couple, your sound advice and your tender kisses will calm and fill your darling. A priori, you get the same consideration in return. That's love ! To find out what the next few days will look like, quickly check out the weekly horoscope for Capricorn.

Aquarius, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

Too many people around you. Not too many people actually, but too many voices rising up to end up saying anything. Each one goes there with his verse or his solution. Except that the problem remains and no one is able to solve it. So what is the solution ? Take a step back and tell yourself that deep down there is no problem. Are you a little heady and need to organize yourself for the days to come? Easy, just check the weekly horoscope for Aquarius!

Pisces, your horoscope of Sunday July 26, 2020

You coo under the stars without trying to understand what is going on. There is no question of making plans on the comet either, you pick and savor the present moment without presuming the next. Jupiter is all about harmonizing relationships. If the story has only just begun, you will find a lot in common, including on the hug side. Want to know more ? Discover the weekly horoscope for Pisces. Enough to plan for the next few days, with peace of mind.

The influences of the moon today

In Libra, the Moon bickers with Mars in Aries. The nerves are on edge. Impossible to understand each other, as long as we do not manage to exchange calmly. How can we ensure that the discussion does not turn sour? By betting on the Moon / Venus alliance to get back to basics: the love that we have for each other and that is not worth arguing. A magical star that influences our energies, the Moon also has the right to its weekly forecasts.

See you on Monday for your horoscope for tomorrow! Until then, discover the horoscope of the week for all the astrological signs, in which Marc Angel reveals you in VIDEO the expected planetary movements and their influences on the different signs of the zodiac.

Read also :

⋙ Horoscope for July 2020: Marc Angel's predictions for all astrological signs

⋙ Horoscope for July 2020: the signs at the TOP … and the flops

⋙ Love horoscope for summer 2020 for all signs by Marc Angel