Horoscope: The new moon on July 10th will give wings to these 3 zodiac signs

The new moon on July 10th will give wings to these zodiac signs

New moon on July 10th: These zodiac signs benefit from its energy


On Saturday, July 10th, there will be another new moon. You can read here which zodiac signs the moon phase has a particularly strong, positive effect on this month according to the horoscope.

We call it a new moon when our moon is exactly between the earth and the sun, so that we can only see its shadowy side. There are 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes between two new moon phases. The next new moon will occur on Saturday, July 10th, in the early morning hours, around 3:16 a.m. At this point in time, the satellite is on the move in the zodiac sign Cancer.

Surveys show that many people sleep better around the new moon than during a full moon. According to Astrolog: inside, the new moon promotes growth and healing and is a good time to start new projects and ventures.

According to the horoscope, the upcoming Cancer New Moon this month has a positive effect on our intuition, our feelings are now intense and some send us very clear signals. The following zodiac signs particularly benefit from this new moon.

Horoscope: The new moon on July 10th gives wings to these zodiac signs


The moon strengthens your feelings and Mercury, now also in the zodiac sign Cancer, sharpens your eyes and mind. Great conditions for making smart decisions. You can now see things exceptionally clearly, you can quickly recognize the essentials, but still perceive and take into account many different aspects. Your high level of empathy also allows you to be very patient, understanding and indulgent with your fellow human beings – and many of them give you credit for that.


Leos invite the new moon and Mercury to reflect on themselves and to gain clarity about their own dreams and priorities in life. Who do I want to be? What do I want to achieve? What do I enjoy? Dedicating yourself to these questions can now bring you a lot as a Leo – both answers and motivation. You are able to fulfill your greatest wish. But for that you have to know him first.


Sagittarius feel energetic and inspired by the new moon. You now have numerous ideas and visions that inspire you and inspire you to (re) design and plan your life. So that you don’t get bogged down, the stars recommend consciously relaxing and shifting down a gear in between. This is the best way to see which of your visions is the one in which you want to invest the majority of your energy. Because it will likely make you especially happy.

Source used: BRIGITTE two-week horoscope
