Horoscope: These signs of the zodiac do not need strength – they need relief

The horoscope news in the Brigitte ticker: These zodiac signs do not need strength, but relief +++ These signs give others a lot of strength +++ These zodiac signs often feel lonely in society +++

Horoscope 2021: All information and news about the zodiac signs

February 12th

These zodiac signs now do not need strength, but relief

"I wish you a lot of strength!" How many times have we said this sentence to people who are going through a difficult time? How often have we said this sentence ourselves? And how often was this sentence meant well from the heart – but completely wrong on closer inspection? After all, it is usually not primarily strength that people need in difficult situations, but rather relief. For example, someone who grieves for a loved one usually needs space and time for this, and those who are overwhelmed would be helped by taking something away from them. To wish someone "strength" so that he * she can cope with everything on his own and she * he * feels better again quickly, so that he * she is no longer a burden to anyone else, that may be nice and nice – but empathic is different . In any case, we can confidently save our strength wishes for the following zodiac signs, because they have enough strength. However, they urgently need relief.


You hardly ever notice the Capricorn when he needs help – but that doesn't mean that we can't offer it to him. Capricorns are getting a bit much and unfortunately those around them are used to relying on them and expecting them to do a lot. Now would be a good time to reconsider that habit …


Yes, the Taurus seems imperturbable, and yes, it is also very resilient. At the moment, however, the pressure of expectation that weighs on him from all sides is too high and his space for relaxation and recharging is too small. The Taurus only helps if we treat him considerately and carefully, but not if we wish him strength.


Virgos usually perform miracles and perform at their best in everyday life – anyone who thinks they must wish them strength is obviously not looking properly. What would do the earth sign good, on the other hand, would be the feeling of not always having to create everything. And we can best convey that to him through unconditional love and appreciation. Not by saying "I wish you a lot of strength".


Sagittarius are bundles of energy; if they had even more power, they would explode. In this respect, we can generally confidently save our power wishes against them. At the moment the fire sign is in a decisive phase of self-discovery and for this it would need space and time for itself – but, like most people, no longer sees their own life because of all the to-dos. Protecting something to lose weight or at least not to recharge would be a good deed. But who has the strength left for it …?

February 10th

These zodiac signs give others a lot of strength

People are social beings, we all give each other strength and feel strengthened by others (unless we are dealing with an energy vampire, but let's ignore that …). However, the following zodiac signs are typically particularly reliable sources of energy.


Taurus are very, very difficult to shake to their foundations – and with this imperturbability they also give other people support. Instead of panicking, they look for solutions pragmatically and calmly; in hectic situations they convey calm, patience and serenity. That being said, the earth sign is often a person you can steal horses with and experience wonderfully crazy things with. Anyone who needs strength is therefore in good hands with a Taurus.


Gemini are professionals at taking things with humor or at least looking at them soberly and pragmatically. They skillfully bring their fellow human beings down when they get into something or only see the bad, energy-sapping in their life. Nevertheless, one always feels taken seriously and respected by the air sign. Whether it's cheering up or a clear head – twins have both to offer and are ideal givers of strength.


Libra have an extraordinary sensitivity for their fellow human beings and sense what others need – without getting too emotionally carried away. If the other person needs optimism and motivation, the air sign is the expert, someone just has to cry and wants understanding, the Libra listens patiently. It may sometimes be at their own expense, but Libra is an irreplaceable support for those around them.

February 8

These zodiac signs often feel lonely in society

Can you only feel lonely when you're alone? The following zodiac signs would probably contradict this based on their personal experience.


Aquarians are generally very affectionate and open towards other people. However, many people find it difficult to get involved with an Aquarius for their part and really see him with all his special features. That is why he is often "the odd one out", the eccentric that everyone accepts, but with whom nobody feels really connected. The good (for Aquarius): The air sign doesn't take it to heart too much. Sure, it's not nice to feel lonely and long for real belonging. But Aquarius makes the best of it – and takes comfort in the fact that he is special.


Virgos feel misunderstood by many people – and they actually are. The earth sign attaches great importance to order and perfection, it is its conviction that we all have one task: Do our best to "optimize" the world. Of course, this is sometimes a bit strange for people who get their duties behind them as quickly as possible in order to chase after fun and joy – and virgins sometimes feel this clearly …


Sagittarians often seem like they are fully involved and are good friends with all kinds of people. But the truth is that the Fire Sign is very afraid of letting someone get really close. The Sagittarius quickly feels restricted and committed by deep relationships, which is why he usually prefers to keep others at a distance. The price for this non-commitment and (supposed?) Freedom is not infrequently loneliness – also or especially in the midst of people.
