Horoscope: These zodiac signs are often toxic to one another

fire and Ice
These zodiac signs are often toxic to one another

Which zodiac signs do not match?

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The horoscope news in the GALA ticker: These zodiac signs usually do not fit together very well +++ These zodiac signs have a phenomenal week from June 28th to July 4th.

Horoscope 2021: All information and news about your zodiac signs

June 29th, 2021: These zodiac signs are like fire and ice

It is said that opposites attract, but in order to get along in the long term, commonalities can be very helpful. In the following zodiac signs, there is little of it – but all the more potential for misunderstandings and conflicts.

Capricorn and Gemini

The ambitious earth sign Capricorn, which does not accept help from anyone and always purposefully follows its path, and on the other hand the smart air sign Gemini, which takes everything with humor and never makes life harder than necessary – do we have to say more? Two people can hardly be much more different.

Aquarius and Taurus

Aquarians are usually above average dreamy, creative, idealistic, eager to experiment and just about anything except materialistic. Taurus, on the other hand, are considered conservative, traditional, value-conscious, and securing a certain luxury and standard of living is a very high priority for them. Does anyone see an intersection? Just.

Pisces and Lion

Pisces are sensitive, empathetic, and sometimes so considerate of others that they themselves fall by the wayside. Lions, on the other hand, usually have a healthy dose of selfishness, which their fellow human beings also get to feel from time to time. It rarely happens that these two zodiac signs meet somewhere in the middle.

Aries and Scorpio

Both the fire sign Aries and the water sign Scorpio have a tendency to extremes and thus at least have one thing in common. But while Aries is usually very direct and honest with others, Scorpio prefers to keep his true feelings and thoughts to himself and never reveals himself to others without good reason. That, in turn, is just one aspect of many that show how fundamentally different the two zodiac signs are in terms of their attitude towards life …

Cancer and Sagittarius

Love, loyalty, romance – these are the values ​​that are typically particularly important to Krebsen. And shooters? Nothing beats their freedom! The fire sign loves variety and is always anxious to stay on the sunny side of life. While Cancer indulges in negative feelings such as sadness and fear and deals with them, Sagittarius prefers to distract himself and look for something that is fun. Not a good basis for mutual understanding.

Virgo and Libra

Virgos are great at addressing problems and resolving conflicts. The Libra in need of harmony, on the other hand, would rather keep their mouths for the sake of peace. The two zodiac signs not only have different prios, but also completely different strategies and attitudes towards life. In the long term, this can lead to a lot of frustration for both of you.

June 28th, 2021: These zodiac signs have a phenomenal week from June 28th to July 4th

The waning moon has a relaxing effect on most people from June 28th to July 4th. However, an unfavorable course of Venus and Pluto means that many people now live out their emotions very unfiltered and self-centered – this can easily lead to conflicts and arguments. However, the following three zodiac signs do not need to worry about that. The stars promise you a harmonious, productive and happy week.


Capricorns now feel their own needs particularly clearly and therefore know exactly what is good for them and what is not. Overall, the earth sign is currently extremely self-confident, i.e. in the sense of “being aware of itself”, and is great at assessing its own strengths and weaknesses. That is why the Capricorn rests in itself and is not so easily upset by discrepancies or misunderstandings.


Gemini are especially creative this week and have brilliant ideas that they are great at selling and conveying to other people. This is not only due to their good arguments and their power of persuasion, but also to their honest enthusiasm, which is contagious to most people. With their humor and their ease, Gemini can now win almost any person for themselves and of course that gives them a feeling of security and confirmation.


On June 27th, Venus switched to Leo and, together with Mars, is now having a positive effect on the radiance and energy balance of the fire sign. Lions feel particularly strong and resilient this week, they do everyday to-dos easily and without thinking about it for a long time. In addition, they have a lot of love, strength and passion left for their neighbors, which some of them gratefully accept and can use more than well.

Sources used: Brigitte two-week horoscope
