Horoscope: These zodiac signs now need a lot of space

These zodiac signs now need a lot of space

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Sometimes we need support, routine and structure, sometimes the opportunity to develop. You can read here which zodiac signs need a lot of space according to the horoscope.

Horoscope 2021: All information and news about the zodiac signs

May 25th: These zodiac signs now need a lot of space

What is good for us and what we long for changes from time to time and depends on various factors: Which experiences have particularly shaped our life or are still very present in our consciousness? What situation are we in and how satisfied are we with it? What kind of guy are we in general and what are our priorities? And a few more. So we sometimes go through phases in which we cannot have enough closeness to other people that give us stability and security. And sometimes those in which we are happy about every structure and routine that relieve us of improvising and having to be spontaneous or flexible. And then sometimes we also have phases in which we need a lot of freedom, which we shape ourselves and in which we can develop. According to the horoscope, the following zodiac signs are currently in such a phase. Each in its own way.


Gemini now feel a strong urge to explore and try out themselves under Jupiter’s influence. The Luftzeichen would like to finally play out and develop its previously untapped abilities and talents. It feels and knows very well that it is essential to break out of routines and everything known.


Lions now particularly long for appreciation, respect and security in their relationships – and boundaries, freedoms and mutual acceptance of each other’s individuality are essential for this. The fire sign quickly feels pressured by demands and constant closeness, after all, besides its social entanglements, it has other projects that it is enthusiastic about and that it wants to promote.


Sagittarius will be troubled by the upcoming lunar eclipse and at the same time motivated to actively shape their lives and to approach all the colorful possibilities that are open to them courageously and optimistically. In this phase of life, the fire sign needs a lot of freedom and space to reflect itself, to feel inside itself and to be able to respond to what it finds out.
