Horoscope: These zodiac signs should think more of themselves now

These zodiac signs should think more of themselves now

© Breslavtsev Oleg / Shutterstock

In moderation and with simultaneous consideration, egoism is quite healthy. According to the horoscope, these zodiac signs could now be a little more selfish.

To look after other people, to show consideration, to put yourself in their shoes – all of this is human and sets us apart. Our social sense is one of the essential secrets of our success. Nonetheless, a healthy egoism is also important for our individual happiness and at times we tend to neglect ourselves. The following zodiac signs are currently in such a phase and, according to the horoscope, should now think a little more about themselves.

Horoscope: These zodiac signs can now be a little more selfish


Above all, Jupiter now invites Pisces to follow his very personal dreams and visions and to fulfill them. The prerequisite for this, however, is to know them at all and to develop them in such a way that they can be implemented. That in turn requires self-reflection and a focus on your own life. It may sound selfish, but it is also useful to other people. Because only when we are happy and satisfied ourselves can we enrich the lives of others.


Cancers are generally happy to be there for their loved ones and are usually also great supports for other people. At the moment, however, the watermark needs its power for itself, as the stars now offer it the opportunity to redesign and positively change its life – that simply costs energy. Don’t worry: the others can get by for a while without self-sacrificing help.


Leos usually value other people’s opinions and would like to please as many as possible. But right now they should listen to their own voice and ignore criticism. The fire sign can now fully rely on its intuition and success will soon be seen if it now believes in itself.


Libras are generally willing to put their own needs aside so that others will be satisfied. Now is the time to focus on yourself and consciously do something good for yourself. Summer invites the air sign expressly to enjoy your life and pursue your passions. It can be nice and fulfill duties again in winter.


Sagittarians put a lot of heart, passion, enthusiasm and commitment into everything they do. The fire sign never works calculatingly and strategically in its own favor, but always advocates the good cause with the best of intentions. Unfortunately, this is rarely adequately rewarded – but all the more often exploited. The stars now advise the Sagittarius to think a little more of himself and to consider what will help him, what is useful to him and what really inspires him from the bottom of his heart. And investing in your heart, your passion and your energy.
