Horoscope: Those are the lucky ones of the week from March 29th to April 4th

Those are the lucky ones of the week from March 29th to April 4th

These three zodiac signs will start the new week full of energy from March 29th, 2021!


New week, new month, new luck! According to the horoscope, this should be true, especially for the following zodiac signs.


This week, Aquarians experience particularly intensely how much influence they have on their happiness and what they can do for the better with just their attitude. Jupiter builds your confidence and encourages you to reach for the stars, while Saturn from the background warns against taking off and losing touch with reality. This could confuse you, but it is more likely that you are now making the most of the two opposing influences and choosing the middle ground. Your feeling of independence and your self-confidence also lead this week to the fact that you can particularly appreciate and develop your uniqueness, your otherness. You will never get bored – and you are rightly proud of that.


The stars stir up a lot in Taurus – but you find that positive, because it invigorates you and your creativity. You now feel your needs extraordinarily strongly and feel a deep longing to satisfy them. That makes you inventive and stimulates you to boldly approach your life and actively shape it. Apart from that, the week offers you a good opportunity to shed or let go of ballast. And since you are a very smart and pragmatic person, it can be assumed that you will use them.


Leos invite the stars this week to play to their strengths and especially to prove themselves. Above all, your talent for happiness, your healthy approach to life – keyword “water under the bridge” – and your pragmatic wisdom now come to the fore. You feel that with these traits you can cope with any challenge and that makes you inside calm, serene and confident. In addition, you are now particularly good at setting yourself apart from others and asserting your interests without hurting or ignoring your fellow human beings.
