Horoscope: which zodiac sign has the worst manners?

Astro etiquette
This zodiac sign has the worst manners

© sergey causelove / Shutterstock

Do you have someone in your circle of friends who often misbehaves? Then he surely has THIS zodiac sign …

First of all: We don't want to discriminate against anyone because of their zodiac sign. And if astrology shows one thing, it is that EVERY sign of the zodiac has its merits and "challenges". There would be the meticulous Virgo, the self-loving Leo, the arrogant Arrog … and there is also a zodiac sign that does not think so much of social conventions.

At first glance, that is quite likeable – but the rebellion can quickly be viewed as bad manners. Who are we talking about here all the time?

Clearly: the Aquarius. He does not like to stick to rules, is very individual and per se against everything that others find good. The following scenarios are common:

  • Aquarians often drink a glass too much – and know this thought all too well: "Oh my god, WHAT did I do at the company party yesterday?"
  • Aquarians tend to struggle with hierarchies. The top boss is sometimes used cheekily. Sometimes it brings about positive changes in the company, but it can also cause a lot of trouble.
  • With the in-laws, Aquarians don't give a damn about a good image – and are completely themselves. Even if that means making a joke about mother-in-law's outfit.
  • Aquarians, by the way, love the very blackest humor. And it is well known that it does not always go down well with everyone. That's why it happens that Aquarius cracks a joke and the whole table looks down, embarrassed. But he can live with it.

Oh yes, the dear water men. That's just how they are. And that's how we love her too. Anyone who is in a relationship with an Aquarius will learn to deal with their "bad manners" over time. And let's be honest: Without the lovely rebels, the star cosmos would be kind of boring, wouldn't it?
