Household consumption up 1.2% in September, according to INSEE

The statistics institute explains that this increase comes from the purchase of manufactured goods and energy.

Household consumption in France rebounded by 1.2% in September, after a stable month of August (+0.1%), reported Friday the National Institute of Statistics (Insee). “This increase is mainly due to the increase in the consumption of manufactured goods (+2.2%) and energy (+2.9%). Conversely, food consumption fell again (-0.7%)“, specifies the INSEE.

Consumption of manufactured goods was driven in particular by purchases of durable goods, such as equipment for housing or cars, as well as by spending on clothing (+6%). “Over the third quarter of 2022 as a whole, household consumption of manufactured goods was almost stable (+0.1%)“, indicates the INSEE. Energy consumption, which was down slightly the previous month, rebounded strongly.probably in connection with the strengthening of the discount at the pumpby the government of 30 centimes per litre, launched on September 1. To this aid was also added a discount of 20 centimes per liter at TotalEnergies service stations.

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On the other hand, food consumption, already down 1.2% in August, remains at half mast in the context of inflation. Over the quarter as a whole, it fell by 1.6%. “The decrease mainly concerns the consumption of agricultural products“, notes INSEE in September. Many fresh products such as meat or eggs are indeed among the foods most affected by rising prices, according to a study published last week by panelist Nielsen. INSEE also notes that tobacco consumption “goes down again“. Compared to September 2021, household consumption expenditure is down 3%.

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