How a piece of paper found by 2 strangers in the middle of the street saved the life of a beaten and kidnapped woman

A woman who was beaten and kidnapped by her partner was saved thanks to a piece of paper that she threw in the street. We tell you this story.

A bottle in the sea ! These two little sentences written on a piece of paper allowed a 32-year-old woman to escape from her partner whohe beat her and kidnapped her. This Thursday, April 25, 2024, RMC shares the testimony of Doaa and Kevin, a couple who were walking in the street in Montpellier, two days earlier.

Indeed, on April 23, 2024, around 9 p.m., Doaa and Kevin were walking rue Montcalm when they discovered a piece of paper on the ground and decided to pick it up to read it. And on the paper, they see written: “Help. Help me. I’m being held captive,” followed by a woman’s address and first name. “We were returning home when we found a piece of paper on the ground that said ‘help me please’ with an address and a first name,” says Doaa.

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The kidnapped woman was able to be transported to hospital

Very surprised by this call for help, the couple decided to alert the police. They then look for a police patrol who will fortunately listen to them attentively. “They took it seriously, they knocked, but no one answered, so they called the National Police and They found a woman kidnapped, beaten by her companion. As a result, the 30-year-old man who held his partner captive was arrested by the police and taken into custody.

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As for the 32-year-old woman, she was found the swollen face and was therefore taken to hospital. “We said to ourselves that it was improbable that we would come across this paper, which seemed to have been trampled on. At first, when you find this, you say to yourself that it is perhaps a bad joke, but it wasn’t a joke at all.” Doaa explains. A story that “ends well” but not enough to qualify his action as heroic for Doaa who rightly believes “normal” for acting as she did.

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Violence against women: figure and number to call

“We were happy to have been able to save this woman, but we do not know in what state she was precisely, nor how many days she had been sequestered. If we can all help each other like this and pay attention to each other, pay attention to the little details, it can save lives.” concludes Doaa with from RMC.

As a reminder, in 2023 the collective #NousToutes will identify 134 feminicides In France. But 321,000 declare being victims of physical, sexual and/or psychological violence committed by their spouse or ex-spouse. If you are a victim of violence, the number to call is 3919. The call is free and anonymous and offers listening but can also inform or direct you towards support and care systems.

Passionate about women’s news, Agathe has been deciphering the latest trends for aufeminin since 2022. Her favorite areas? Psychology, nutrition and well-being advice, without forgetting the tips…

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