“How are we going to dress this?” : Laetitia Casta remembers her first terrible meeting with Yves Saint Laurent’s teams

This Monday January 10, in Day-to-day on TMC, Laetitia Casta remembered her terrible first meeting with the teams of Yves Saint Laurent. Then 15 years old, she then suffered hurtful remarks about her physique.

From star model and muse of the greatest fashion designers to recognized actress hailed by the entire profession, Laetitia Casta has had successes throughout her impressive career. And yet, because of her atypical profile, the beautiful Corsican has often had difficulty finding her place in the world of fashion as well as in the cinema. In her debut in the seventh art, the former top model has thus suffered many and very harsh criticisms. “Ah, she’s a model and she wants to become an actress… But she doesn’t even know how to act “ so launched some. Other directors also wanted to push her to change physically. A week ago, the actress revealed in Telerama that Claude Zidi had asked him to file his teeth.

A physique that exploded

But the cinema is not the only medium not to have accepted the physique judged as different from Laetitia Casta. Guest of Day-to-day this Monday, January 10, the companion of Louis Garrel told the hurtful remarks received when she started out in modeling, where her luscious forms clashed with the policy of thinness advocated on the catwalks. “In the world of fashion, I was not in the standards. While I had not asked for anything! I arrived with what I was and I found it to be very good. At that point, something had to be defended. It was not planned, but I defended it “ first explained the mother of four children.

“But how are we going to dress this?”

Laetitia Casta then recalled her first terrible meeting with the Yves Saint Laurent team. If the famous top has long been the muse of the late designer, her first experience with the famous fashion house is far from being a good memory. It thus reveals: “They looked at me and they said: ‘But how are we going to dress this?’A remark while she was in the room: “I was there, in front of me. But they didn’t know I was French”. A memory that she still has trouble digesting. “Ah, that! What is that?” she continues, still so indignant, decades later. Despite his young age, however, there is no question of letting go: “I remember very well, I was 15 and a half years old, and I said to them: ‘I will never go to this awful place again. I will not go any more! ‘ And when Yves Saint Laurent, who was not present that day, asks to see her again two years later, the young model is categorical: “Oh no, no, no! I won’t go!” Pushed to accept, she gives in but imposes her conditions : “I went there, but I told them: ‘Alright, but I won’t put on a white blouse, I don’t want a bun and I don’t want lipstick’“. The tone of the great couturier’s teams then changes completely and they bow to his wishes: “As Mr. Saint Laurent wanted to see me, they replied: ‘Ah, fine, there is no problem’“. And there, the magic operates: “I arrived, he was there in front of me, and there my heart started to beat very hard. And it was a beautiful love story that started between us.”

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