“How are you?” – “Soul healers” and innkeepers in an unusual alliance

The fact that innkeepers and waiters sometimes act as psychologists for their guests is nothing new. But in Upper Austria this has now become “official”, so to speak. Because the 63 KultiWirte work together with pro mente Upper Austria when it comes to physical health.

“How are you?” – this question is asked countless times a day. “But they are often answered with some empty phrases, and most of the time those asking don’t really want to know how you are feeling,” says Margot Peters from pro mente Upper Austria in the current “Mental Health Week”. In order to give this daily question more weight, pro mente is now entering into an unusual alliance, namely with the 63 KultiWirten in Upper Austria. Help through talking “For us, it’s not just about eating and drinking,” says chairman Reinhart Guttner, who is responsible for the idea is on fire. The innkeepers have posters and folders that encourage people to talk to each other and also show an easy way to get professional help if chatting over a beer isn’t enough.
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