How can I make my life easier for myself?

Is your life complicated? How about you simplify it a little ?! We have a few suggestions that you can easily implement.

In everyday life we ​​are mostly so absorbed in our to-dos, routines and duties that we can hardly breathe. We get up, get ready, work, take care of the household and children, and squeeze sport, friends and relaxation into our diaries. That alone is often quite tricky and complicated, but when something comes on top (argument with Schnucki, illness, poor sleep …), it usually becomes really difficult.

Funny that it can even go like this, after all, we are all responsible for our own lives. We decide what is on our calendar and what is important to us. We decide how we shape our life – and whether we make it difficult or easy. In fact, if you stop for a moment and take a deep breath, it doesn't seem like that much effort to make your life a little easier. We should at least be able to manage the following ten simple methods – right ?!

The 10 easiest ways to make your life easier

1. Be honest

Making up lies and excuses can be exhausting, and remembering what you've told whom can be damn demanding! In most cases, getting out the truth in the first place makes things a lot easier – the consequences are rarely as dire as expected.

2. Follow your own (!) Feelings

Following our own feelings and being authentic usually leads us on the easiest and best path. If we do something out of calculation that contradicts our feelings, they will keep interfering and make us quarrel. If, on the other hand, we act to please or satisfy others, things get even more complicated. In addition: if our feelings show us a bad way, we always learn something that will help us to decide or act better in the future. If, on the other hand, others or our calculation have misled us, we only know that they were wrong in this case or that our calculation did not work out.

3. Be kind

Life is so much easier when we are friendly to others and they find us sympathetic than when we run around the world like curmudgeons and avoid each other. Those who treat their fellow human beings in a nice and courteous manner are treated nicely and courteously by most – for example, they get an extra large portion of whipped cream with their cake or are left at the checkout – and don't have to "fight their way through".

4. Forgiveness

People make mistakes and what has happened has happened – holding on to it forever and blaming it for yourself or others just makes life unnecessarily difficult. Those who let go and forgive things live easier and happier.

5. Asking questions if something is unclear

Why ponder for a long time, tinker around yourself or live with misunderstandings when a single request could clear everything up at one go? Well, and some questions apparently don't even need an answer to understand …

6. Asking for help when you need it

Nobody can do everything alone, there is almost always someone who can help, and most people even like to help – it really is not necessary to get by on your own if you could go for a walk with a little help from outside.

7. Focus on what you can change

It is difficult if not impossible to keep track when we deal with all the things that we get wind of. It also makes us feel powerless to worry too much about something we can't change – and when we feel powerless, everything is difficult! If, on the other hand, we concentrate predominantly on what we can change and control, our life automatically becomes easier.

8. Singletasking

Apropos focus: always one thing at a time! Multitasking is nothing more than excessive demands and only leads to us becoming slower and less capable. Single-tasking is the easiest way to cope with tasks and challenges more easily and better.

9. Set priorities

Regardless of whether it concerns relationships, to-dos or our wishes and needs: Having them organized and clearly prioritized makes a lot of things easier. After all, we can't tear ourselves apart and dance at multiple weddings at the same time. Most of the time and energy are earned by people who do us good and give something back. First up are the to-dos that we absolutely want to do and for which it will be too late later. And we should do everything we can to fulfill those desires that we would never forgive ourselves for having put them off forever. It could be that simple.

10. Learn to accept

Many people tend to want to sort or explain everything in some way. what is right, what is wrong? What is good, what is bad? What is worth more and what is less? And what the fuck is this darn meaning of life? Of course, it is good and human to think about such things. But every now and then we should also accept that we cannot find answers. Living with wrong judgments and sticking to them is more likely to lead astray than not to judge at all or only conditionally. Anyone who can accept something without questioning it, can more easily let go and continue living – and often comes across an answer at some point. And as far as this darned meaning of life is concerned: Does something as fascinating and wonderful as life in all its forms and shapes need something as boisterous as meaning?