how it works, the benefits and methods that work

Emotional detox is the new solution to cleanse your mind of all its toxic emotions. We explain how it works, why do it and the different techniques that work to achieve it.

You have certainly already heard of “emotional detox”, a literal translation of the book by American doctor and osteopath, Habib Sadeghi “The clarity cleanse”. A method to detoxify your mind that is a hit, even with stars like Penelope Cruz or Gwyneth Paltrow. Unlike the detox cure which frees the body of its toxins, the emotional detox frees the mind of its toxic emotions. Stress, anger, fatigue… All the emotions and negative energies accumulated and often repressed leave the mind. A way to wipe the slate clean and make a fresh start. For the past two years, the French have lived in fear of Covid-19. In addition to the disease, it is isolation that they have suffered the most.

Gradually, people felt anger, even sadness, sometimes pushing them to excess: alcohol, snacking or even the consumption of tranquilizers and sleeping pills. For cleanse your body and soul of psychic wasteyou would have to go through the emotional detox box.

What is emotional detox?

For Dr. Habib Sadeghi, our emotions, especially negative ones, can interfere with our physical health. So too many toxic thoughts could make you sick. Hence the need to get rid of it regularly. “The best lifestyle habits are not enough to ensure good health, because it comes not from what you eat, but from what we digest biologically and psychically“, he asserts. He also explains if negative emotions are not digested, they will stagnate and take up more space at the cellular level.

Doctor, survivor of cancer at the age of 17, has therefore developed a technique to purge the body, day after day, of these psychic toxins. Other holistic colleagues have looked into this detox and also offer methods to empty your mind of negative thoughts. The usefulness? Reconnect”with a peaceful and positive existence“, he details.

How to do an emotional detox and what are its benefits?

Before embarking on this experience, you must first accept your negative emotions, agree to confront them. Once you are ready to face your demons, you move on to the next phase: cleanse your body, then your mind.

During 5 days, we adopt the “intentional desaturation cure”, also called the DI cure. This detoxifies the organs most affected by feelings such as the liver, lungs, kidneys, pancreas and gallbladder. How ? Just follow a specific diet based on one or a few foods, but in large quantities. For example, apples cut into strips or grated, fresh sardines or in olive oil, lemon water when you wake up or one or two bowls of brown rice a day. To this we add fermented foods such as sauerkraut, miso, kefir, kimchi or even kombucha. We also cut out caffeine and soda and we eat a lot in the morning and less and less during the day. In addition to the beneficial effect on the digestive system, this cure would release one of the happiness hormones, oxytocin.

Once the body is purified, we attack the mind. To do this, we practice the “emotional purge” with the exercise PEE 12. For 12 minutes, write with the help of a paper and a pencil, everything that goes through your head, without thinking about syntax, spelling or punctuation. The goal here is to write down everything that weighs and bothers you. Once the 12 minutes are up, burn the sheets without ever reading them. By burning these words, you free your mind from your ailments. An exercise to be carried out for 5 days as well.

The advice to adopt for an emotional detox

On a day-to-day basis, when our hormones and neurotransmitters go into overdrive due to toxic emotions, there are steps to take. Thus, to replace corisol (anxiety and fatigue hormone) and adrenaline (stress hormone) we focus on dopamine, “motivation hormone”, serotonin, “happiness hormone”, oxytocin, “love hormone” and endorphin, “pleasure hormone”.

How to feel these positive energies daily ? By exercising regularly, sunbathing, listening to music or laughing, making love or relaxing. In short, antidotes exist in the face of toxic emotions and they reside in emotional detox.

As a social journalist, I work on all subjects related to feminism, news items and the fight against discrimination. Equally affected by the crises that follow…

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