How much sleep do you need? Researchers determine the optimal length of sleep

Study creates clarity
How much sleep do we really need?

How much sleep do we actually need?

© lightpoet / Shutterstock

There are people who can get by on five hours of sleep their entire life. And there are those who need nine or even ten hours of sleep. If you don’t know how much sleep is optimal, or if you suspect that more sleep is better, this Harvard University study should be familiar to you.

There are the early risers: inside and the morning grouch. The getting up routine is different for everyone. Some are more productive when they feel more rested, while others can perform at their peak early in the morning. Experts have long since found out that they actually exist – the best time to get up and go to bed! The only question left is what the optimal length of sleep is. Researchers at Harvard University have now determined that.

People who get up at this time of day are happier

Another study carried out in England in which researchers examined the sleeping habits of 1,000 people has already shown that the perfect time to go to sleep is between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. American mattress manufacturer Amerisleep has also found that people who set their alarms between four and seven o’clock are happier and more satisfied than those who wake up later.

The question remains, how many hours should we sleep in between? Some people claim the more the better. Others are convinced that we should get at least seven hours. The Harvard Medical Journal has published a new study on its homepage which found a connection between the duration of sleep and brain function and memory. An important clue to better understand your exact sleep times.

How much sleep do you need?

The researchers concluded that people who slept six hours or less were related to memory problems. But even those who slept nine hours or more were also associated with cognitive problems, particularly with decision-making. In the case of subjects who slept seven to eight hours a day, however, the connection could not be proven. So seven to eight hours should be our average so that we feel rested every morning.

Determine your own individual sleep duration

If you feel like you still don’t know how much sleep you need, a simple test can be done. Go to bed for three days in a row when you are tired. Then sleep until you wake up well rested on your own. Add up the hours you slept for all three nights and divide again by 3 to get an average. This value is your optimal sleep time.

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