How OpenAI wants to protect elections from the dangers of AI

Image: Getty Images/PM Images.

2024 has begun, and with it an exceptional year of elections: more than one in two people on the planet will vote this year. In particular, France will be attentive to an election which will take place across the Atlantic next winter: the American presidential election. And, as if election season didn’t present enough challenges, this year there’s a new factor to consider: generative AI.

Indeed, whether it is text or image, progress in artificial intelligence makes it difficult to distinguish between true and false. And when an election of this importance takes place, the influence on public opinion of false information, the famous fake newsis non-negligible.

This is why OpenAI shared a blog post on Monday presenting its approach to the US elections – and in particular the changes to the general conditions of use of ChatGPT and its APIs.

Authenticate images

Among the main points, it is prohibited to use the AI ​​service to create applications intended for campaigning, for lobbying purposes or to dissuade people from voting. OpenAI also does not allow the creation of chatbots pretending to be real people.

Among its goals, OpenAI also wants to offer solutions to help clearly determine whether an image was created from scratch or if it is real. To do this, the organization will implement digital certificates from the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) early this year.

Thanks to these certificates, it will be possible to know the origin of content thanks to encryption used on images generated by DALL-E 3. OpenAI is also experimenting with a new tool for detecting images generated by DALL-E 3, which gives already promising results.

Combat misinformation

Still to combat disinformation, OpenAI has affirmed its desire to provide ChatGPT with real-time access to news reports around the world.

Concerning the American election more specifically, ChatGPT will redirect its users to CanIVote.orga reliable site presenting all the information on voting in the United States (where to vote, how to register, etc.), when a question is asked about the election.

However, most of these measures have not yet been put in place, and are still in the draft stage. It is therefore essential to remain cautious regarding the information that circulates. And above all, before sharing information, to verify that it is real: check its source!


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