How to cancel a sale on Vinted? : Current Woman Le MAG

Whether you are a seller or a buyer, it is always possible to cancel a sale on Vinted, whatever the reason. But be careful, you must respect certain conditions to avoid being penalized. Please note, however, that a professional seller (the “pro” logo is written on their profile) cannot cancel a transaction if you have already paid for the item.

How do I cancel a Vinted sale?

Did you find the same item cheaper elsewhere? Finally, you no longer want this blouse? This is your first sale and you prefer to turn back? You can always cancel a sale in progress on Vinted as a buyer. To do this, go to your chat with the selling member and tap the “i” icon at the top right. Then, select the “Cancel order” option. You will then need to indicate a reason for canceling your sale, in order to guide the platform.

If you are faced with a canceled Vinted sale with a package sent, but the tracking information has not been transmitted, it will need to confirm this cancellation. If it doesn’t confirm, you have to wait for Vinted to do an automatic cancellation. In the case of cancellation by the other member, you can expect a refund from the platform for the unsent item. Please note that you too can cancel a sale as a seller. The procedure is then identical.

How to cancel a sale on Vinted without a negative review?

To cancel a Vinted sale without a bad review from the other member, it is recommended to:

  • only sell items you are absolutely sure you want to get rid of or buy items you really want;
  • communicate with the other member to find a solution together. If it is the price that is the problem, for example, you can agree on Vinted to cancel the order against reimbursement of part. Otherwise, canceling an order with fees is not necessarily a good calculation.

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