how to choose and maintain them

You don’t have a green thumb and have you ever had the skin of a cactus? Here are ten easy-care indoor plants (watering, light, etc.) whose survival we guarantee!

You and the plants, that’s three. Either because you tend to forget them (much) too long, or because, no matter what, they always end up, at best in the compost, at worst in the trash. It is not for lack of watering them, of fertilizing them, even of talking to them to these plants. But always comes the moment when they lose their leaves, rot, wither or … all three at the same time. Don’t worry, that doesn’t doom you to living without a touch of green in your home … or with plastic plants that will end up gathering dust. Fortunately, there are some easy-care houseplants suitable for beginners or people who don’t have a green thumb. We will explain which ones to choose and how to maintain them to keep them healthy for a long time.

3 tips to (finally) have a green thumb

Let’s start by being honest: no matter how much we talk about “easy-care houseplants”, they are not “puncture-proof”. Too much water or really not enough, too much light or really not enough … all this will affect the survival of any plant and shrub. So that you don’t kill another plant, here are three foolproof tips for their maintenance:

1. Brightness, watering, pot size … find out what the plant needs to take good care of it.
2. Get help! For example, equip yourself with a moisture meter (such as this model sold at Amazon) so as not to water your plants too much (which would cause them to rot by the roots)
3. Play it safe with self-watering pots, for example this Lechuza model (available on Amazon) or this ceramic pot with its water reserve (at MonPetitCoinVert). The top? Connected plants: with an app, it’s impossible to forget when to add water, add a little fertilizer, etc. The models offered by Ready to grow are particularly recommended.

Accessories to take care of your plants

1. Easy-care houseplant for dark corners: “Mother-in-law’s Tongue” (Sansevieria)

Do you always forget to water your plants? Then the “Mother-in-law’s Tongue”, also known as Sansevieria, is the perfect houseplant for you, as it needs very little water. What’s more, it is super practical in the sense that this plant is not very demanding as to its location. She likes light, but also gets by with little light. Whether on a window sill or in a dark corner of an apartment, it always thrives wonderfully, making it a really hardy and easy-care houseplant. Count around twenty euros for the purchase (as here on Amazon).

Maintenance advice: You don’t always know it, but too much water is worse than too little, so always let the soil dry out well before watering again. As a general rule, it is sufficient to water the Sansevieria with a small glass of water once a month. The amount of water will obviously depend on the size of the pot …

2. Monstera, a real, easy-care houseplant

Monstera is today one of the classics among houseplants. It owes it, on the one hand to its large decorative leaves, and, on the other hand, to the fact that it is extremely easy to maintain. The Monstera likes a place with bright light but no direct sun. But this plant can nevertheless develop with a little less light. Particularly photogenic, this plant will attract you a lot of likes on Instagram!

Maintenance advice: The Monstera likes loose soil, which should always dry out a bit before the plant is watered again. The soil should always be slightly damp, but not wet, as the Monstera does not like to be waterlogged at all. Equip yourself with” a moisture meter is a good idea so as not to be mistaken.

3. Easy-care houseplant with an exotic touch: the palm tree

A palm tree with slender leaves is a pledge of exoticism in a somewhat classic apartment. And the good news is that most palm trees are very easy to maintain! Even for beginners, the dwarf palm Chamaedora and the Kentia palm, for example, are suitable, because they are quite insensitive and forgive one or the other maintenance errors.

Maintenance advice: palm trees like to be placed in a bright location, but also do well with less light. The soil should be slightly moist, but not wet, otherwise the roots may rot in the long run. Here again moisture meter is a good idea.

4. Cacti and Euphorbia are easy to care for if you are looking for a houseplant.

Are you looking for a modern houseplant? The cactus is a must of the moment. There are now all kinds of exotic varieties with unusual shapes that look really cool in the garden center (and on the internet). But there are even better than cacti: euphorbias.

The milkweed family also belongs to the succulent group and resembles cacti, although they are not at all. The care is the same as for cacti, but euphorbias are much less susceptible to rodents.

Maintenance advice: Hardy plants of this type love heat. They prefer places with lots of light and sun. So if you still have a bright spot in your apartment, spurge will be an ideal plant. It is enough to pour them a sip of water in the winter – about once a month. In summer, milkweed plants like to have a place in the sun on the balcony, terrace or in the garden.

5. Easy-care houseplant: dracaena

The dracaena is probably one of the most common houseplants in town. It owes this in particular to the fact that it is very easy to maintain and continues to grow even under unfavorable conditions.
In short, the dracaena is almost impossible to kill. At first glance, the typical dracaena looks a bit old-fashioned, but in combination with the right furniture, its long trunks with filigree leaves give an elegant air to an interior.

Maintenance advice: The dracaena does not need a lot of light and therefore adapts to many places. You should only water it when the soil has dried out a bit.

6. Impressive and easy to maintain: the rubber tree

The rubber tree, also called Ficus elastica, has an impressive appearance due to its large, glossy leaves. However, it is nonetheless quite easy to maintain, because it can withstand both hot and cool temperatures and bright and partially shaded places. It is not complicated!

Maintenance advice: Its large leaves are real dust “vacuum cleaners” and should therefore be wiped from time to time with a damp cloth. Moderately pour water from time to time, preferably a little less than too much.

7. Efeutute: easy-care houseplant for tendrils and hanging

Efeutute, or Epipremnum Aureum, is a climbing plant. Super robust, this pretty plant exists in many varieties and different leaf patterns. Nothing could be simpler with this plant: it rarely needs water and even accepts poorly lit places.

Maintenance advice: The method of completely immersing the pot in water every now and then works particularly well with theEfeutute. Once the soil is dry and the leaves start to roll slightly, just soak the entire pot in water (in a bucket or sink) and wait for the bubbles to stop. Then drain well before putting it back in place.

8. Easy-care houseplant: the lucky feather

Just like the “Mother-in-law’s tongue”, the lucky feather (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) is ulytra easy to maintain. It is particularly suitable for those who often forget to water their plants because this plant requires little water. It also accepts dark places without any problem.

Maintenance advice: The lucky feather stores water in its tubers and therefore only needs to be watered once a month or so. Too much water leads to waterlogging and rotting of the roots.

9. Yucca, a popular and easy-to-care for a real houseplant

The yucca is one of the plants described as insensitive. Even beginners can hardly go wrong with a yucca. Bright and sunny places are particularly suitable for the yucca. With good care, plants can grow quite large.

Maintenance advice: Yucca should be watered about once a week, but it can also endure less frequent watering. In winter, watering can be significantly reduced so that the roots are not damaged.

10. Easy-care houseplant: elephant’s foot

Don’t want to have the same plant as all of your friends? The elephant’s foot stands out for its special shape, reminiscent of an elephant’s foot (but its real name is Beaucarnea, if you want to shine in society). Did you know that the elephant foot precisely stores water in its foot and stem and can therefore survive very long periods of drought? Just like other so-called “succulent” plants, this makes it very easy to maintain. It will look great on your windowsill!

Maintenance advice: The elephant’s foot will be particularly comfortable in a very bright place. He rarely needs water.

Watch the video: our advice on how to flower a balcony

Video by Clara Poudevigne