How to clean a coffee stain from clothing? Here are the most effective tips to get rid of it: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

At breakfast, at the end of a meal, at the beginning of the afternoon, in the evening before going to bed… Everyone loves coffee. According to a recent survey conducted by the polling company Yougov, nearly 7 out of 10 French people are regular coffee consumers (68%). If the latter has many followers, it can also cause us problems when it is caught in a hurry. We’ve all had the experience of spilling a few drops of coffee on our clothes in the morning when we’re late… When tragedy strikes: only one option is available to us: change and put together a new look quickly. You still have to manage to take off your clothes afterwards. We have found some simple tips to eliminate these unwanted items from all of our clothes. So no more coffee stains will resist you!

Does coffee wash out?

To deal with the famous coffee stains, you have to arm yourself with a little elbow grease by washing by hand with miracle mixtures such as white vinegar, bicarbonate or even dishwashing liquid. With patience, perseverance and provided you choose the right products, you will succeed in getting rid of them, without a doubt. The key word remains the reaction: in fact, you must act quickly to prevent the coffee from soaking into the material. For a coffee stain, machine washing is often done cold.

How to remove a coffee stain from white fabric?

We often panic when we spill coffee on a white fabric, we think we will never be able to get it off. Think again, it’s possible. The brand Cozy Duvet has revealed its tips for removing white duvets and it works the same way for clothes of the same color. Start by using absorbent paper or a clean cloth to blot your fabric, this will limit damage. Then you can use a cloth soaked in 70° alcohol mixed with water in the same proportions and dab your preparation on the dirt then rinse thoroughly. Baking soda can also be used to remove stains from your clothes as it is a very good whitener (perfect in this situation!). Finally you can opt for the classic soap. To do this, soak a clean cloth with soap mixed with water and gently rub the stain in question.

Removing coffee stains: quick and easy tips for cleaning a coffee stain on clothing

On cotton

On its website, the eco-responsible e-shop The brand less revealed her tips for cleaning coffee stains from all fabrics. For cotton, nothing more complicated, first you have to remove the excess coffee with a cloth, this will prevent the liquid from leaking and risking soaking the fabric even more. Then, turn your garment inside out and rinse it. To remove the coffee, pour dishwashing liquid or white vinegar where the fabric is soiled and then rinse the clothing again so that the stain does not attach to the clothing. Finally, wash your white cotton in cold water.

On linen

To remove a coffee stain from linen, start by removing the excess with absorbent paper. Then apply white vinegar or lemon juice to the area where the coffee has leaked; these natural products will not damage the linen. Then put the garment in the washing machine. And presto, one less dirt!

On jeans

Using a cloth dampened with soapy water, gently rub the coffee stain then rinse the item of clothing with cold water. Perform this step as many times as necessary so that the coffee is no longer visible. Finish with a wash in the washing machine and that’s it!

On leather

For coffee stains on leather, you have two options. In the first case, mix household alcohol and water in equal proportions then using a clean cloth, apply this mixture to the coffee. In the second case, dilute an egg yolk in water and apply the mixture to the desired area. Once dry, use a cloth dampened with warm water to clean the dirt.

On synthetic fabrics

For all synthetic fabrics, immerse the soiled fabric in a liter of lukewarm water to which you add a teaspoon of washing powder and a tablespoon of white vinegar. Once this step is complete, rinse your garment in cold water and let dry.

On fragile materials

If you accidentally stain a fragile material such as satin, silk, velvet or even wool, it is better to be extra vigilant and/or call a professional.

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